Email campaignsthattargetloyalty program members are more successful at引人入胜的their audiences, generating higher open rates, transaction levels, and revenue per email,according to的一份报告Experian CheetahMail. Even email campaigns inviting prospects to join loyalty programs tend to outperform bulk promotional mailings.

Among email campaigns studied, mailings targeting loyalty program members boosted transaction rates 29% over bulk campaigns sent to the same clients (0.09% vs. 0.07%), and such programs increased revenue per email 11% ($0.18 vs. $0.17).

Loyalty mailings also lifted email open and click rates:

  • Openratesfor mailings sent to loyalty program members were 40% higher than for bulk mailings to the same clients: 27.4% vs. 19.6%.
  • Clickratesfor such loyalty mailings were 22% higher: 4.0% vs. 3.2%.

Below, other findings from Experian Marketing Services' report, The loyalist: Leveraging Relationships With Existing Customers to Increase ROI.

Engaging Prospects

Mailings targeting prospects with invitations to join loyalty programs outperformed non-loyalty bulk mailings sent to the same customers, lifting transaction rates 28% (0.9% vs. 0.70%) and revenue per email 25% ($0.21 vs. $0.17).

Loyalty Mailing Types

Among various types of loyalty mailings, emails announcing rewards arrivals performed best, generating open rates roughly 5 times higher than loyalty promotional mailings (126.4% vs. 26.2%).

在all, however, most loyalty mailings generated strong click rates:

  • Welcome emails: 58.5%
  • 再保险ward statements: 56.1%
  • 再保险demption reminders: 53.6%
  • Surveys: 51.1%

Loyalty mailings also generated relatively high transaction and revenue levels. For example, loyalty surveys generated average revenue per email of $3.86, while reward statements generated $1.82 per email.

Similarly, with average revenue per email of $1.26, redemption reminders are worthwhile way to remind members to redeem their miles or points.

Looking for solid, substantiated information about email from the industry's best resources?The 67-pageEmail Marketing Factbookfeaturing 39 charts tells you about email usage, what captures users' attention, and how organizations are using email to reach customers. This email factbook consists of chapters 1 & 2 from the largerDigital Marketing Factbooka 144-page compilation of data and 110 charts that also covers search engine marketing andsocial media.

Points Programs Preferred

The most popular types of credit card affiliation among US adults are for loyalty points (18%) and cash-back (16%), whereas airline (6%) and hotel (2%) affiliations are less prevalent.

关于学习:Email data in this report is based on campaign performance of Experian CheetahMail clients with loyalty email programs, from Jan 2009 to June 2010. Over 5,600 transactional emails were compared to bulk campaigns for the same time period.

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