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More than half of workers at corporations in the United States say their firm has at least one broken process related to IT, employee onboarding, and administrative functions,according torecent research fromNintex.

The reportwas based on data from a survey of 1,000 full-time employees who work for corporations in the United States.

Some 62% of respondents say at least one IT process doesn't work well at their company.

The most-cited broken IT processes are technology troubleshooting (59% say the process doesn't work well), equipment onboarding for new hires (43%), and requesting a new computer/device (42%).

Some 58% of respondents say at least one employee onboarding process doesn't work well at their company.

The most-cited broken employee onboarding processes are gaining access and tools that enable good job performance (55% say the process doesn't work well), learning internal approaches such as emergency procedures (46%), and completing necessary paperwork (43%).

Some 54% of respondents say at least one administrative process doesn't work well at their company.

The most-cited broken administrative processes are annual performance reviews (57% say the process doesn't work well), promotions (53%), and raise negotiations (47%).

About the research: T他的报告was based on data from a survey of 1,000 full-time employees who work for corporations in the United States.

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image of Ayaz Nanji

Ayaz Nanjiis a digital strategist and a co-founder ofICW Media, a marketing agency specializing in content and social media services for tech firms. He is also aresearch作家佛r MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, AOL, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn:Ayaz Nanji
