B2B marketers say they are using intent data—signals gleaned from users' content consumption or other interactions with digital properties—to identify new accounts to target, align sales and marketing teams, and prioritize accounts for prospecting,according torecent research fromAscend2,Bombora, andRollWorks.

The report是基于数据从一个调查吗of 126 marketers who work for B2B firms.

Some 56% of respondents cite identifying new accounts to target as one of their primary goals for using intent data, 51% cite aligning sales and marketing, and 38% cite prioritizing accounts for prospecting.

primary goals for using intent data in b2b marketing survey

B2B marketers say the most actionable ways to use intent data are for delivering targeted advertising (52% say so), personalization (49%), account-based initiatives (37%), and crafting messaging/content (33%).

actionable ways to use intent data in b2b marketing survey

B2B marketers say the most important attributes of an intent data solution or vendor are the quality of the data (67% cite), the source(s) of the data (44%), and the ease of implementation (42%).

important attributes of an intent data solution in b2b marketing survey

B2B marketers say the top challenges they face with using intent data are data quality (56% cite), making the data actionable (50%), data security (36%), and aligning marketing and sales (35%).

top challenges using intent data in b2b marketing survey

About the research:The report是基于数据从一个调查吗of 126 marketers who work for B2B firms.

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image of Ayaz Nanji

Ayaz Nanjiis a digital strategist and a co-founder ofICW Media, a marketing agency specializing in content and social media services for tech firms. He is also aresearchwriter for MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, AOL, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn:Ayaz Nanji
