Learn what motivates B2B Marketers and how to retain talent. Ann Handley and Val Witt chat State of B2B Marketing Training on April 19
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Marketing has been rapidly evolving, along with technology, including hardware, software, and the online ecosystem.

Marketers' day-to-day responsibilities, together with what's expected of marketing departments and marketers, have shifted accordingly. So have marketing skill sets and the structures of marketing teams—as have attendant costs,including marketing salaries.

Headcount is a large part of the cost of running a marketing function. (And, an often overlooked cost of running marketing teams has to do withtraining and education, as well, which are vital for keeping up skills in a fast-changing environment.)

So how much needs to be budgeted for marketing hires?

LeadMDhas compiled salary-range data for a typical small marketing team's various roles, together with the skill sets and responsibilities for each role, depicting that information in aninfographic.

Check out the infographic for the details:

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image of Vahe Habeshian

Vahe Habeshianis the director of publications atMarketingProfsand a longtime editor. Reach him viavahe@marketingprofs.com.

LinkedIn:Vahe Habeshian
