
Topic: Customer Behavior

Money Back Guarantee Not Working. Any Suggestions Why?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a dating/friendship site which requires a user to take a premium membership for unlimited personal communication.

Recently, we introduced a Money Back Guarantee on our site wherein a user could cancel a premium membership within 10 days for a full refund.

We had anticipated a substantial increase in the number of orders but to our dismay, not 1 customer took up the offer. They choose to take a premium membership nonetheless but did not take the offer.

The terms of the refund were:
1. they could not include any contact info in their messages
2. they gave us a right to check their messages (sent & received)
3. if they got at least 1 response, they could not cancel and get a full refund.

Any suggestions?
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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Member
    Was the offer an "option" upon enrolling?

    Assuming this is the case, I can tell you right away what the problem is:

    整个约会ser支付溢价vice is to make personal and private contact with other people. Your offer defeats the whole purpose of signing up. I wouldn't take it either.

    The way you have structured the offer does not allow them to really test the system AND invades their privacy. I understand you need to prevent people from abusing your refund policy...hence your dilemma.

    May I suggest a referral bonus for your premium subscribers? There are many ways to do it.

    Upon enrollment, ask them to fill in 5-10 emails of friends who may want the service. For every friend who signs up, they get a free month or some kind of partial refund or cash bonus. This will help give incentive for these folks to pass the word around and increase your user base.

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Member
    yea i agree with jet. also it is the fact if they get one responce then they get stuck with the mouths bill service. they might think that you will send around a fake responce to make them pay the money!!!! even though this may be againsted the law. i don't konw? how will they know who is serious and who is not?.

  • Posted bytjhon Member
    You might send an innocuous customer service survey to those that signed up during the guarantee roll-out. In it, ask them if they used the guarantee offer. Essentially, ask them.

    You didn't describe an "offer" as mentioned in your post, so I can't comment on the offer per se. You mentioned that you just introduced an additional feature, the guarantee, and unless I mis-read it, nobody has asked to get their money back?

    They had to check a box or something at the point of sign-up to say they wanted to also accept the guarantee provisions as part of their premium sign-up? Interesting.

    As mentioned earlier, an unrestricted, but shorter term, complete access membership with guarantee may have worked better. Testing will tell. Unfortunately, you'll never successfully block all refund abusers.

    Perception is important. Survey them...

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