
Topic: Other

New Campaign Vs. Same?..for Product Line Extension

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
this is my 1st time to participate in the gr8 forums here... and i'm excited to share in much more!

i need ur feedback in the following issue. but 1st, allow me to brief the situation.

i'm a product manager in egypt, in an international non-profit organisation that cares for family planning. it's been operating in egypt for only 1 yr.

currently we have 1 product: an intrauterine device(IUD) "copper T". the target audience is mainly gynecologists. their nurses are influencers. main promotional tool is personal selling. copper T was launched last feb, but actual branding started last aug (NB i joined company in july), with promotional material (j. ad, brochures, giveaways). target audience portrait the company as their "IUD source".

competing IUDs: 1. low-priced, illegally provided IUDs (sold from public to private sector) (technical specs like our IUD); 2. 2 other brand IUDs (with slightly different technical specs) that are very-well established in the market, but both have irregular supply. One of these 2 is called "Multiload", there is huge unmet market demand for it. plus there aren't any signs of nearby provision of Multiload.

we plan to launch another generic IUD that has exact specs of Multiload, but will be cheaper, called "U-Kare". main difference in positioning between copper T & U-Kare: copper T is the standard IUD (worldwide) with longest approved duration of use, (NB only experienced gynecologists know how to insert it properly); U-Kare: easier insertion in uterus, side-effects are bit less. U-Kare's price is more than copper T, but less than Mulitload.

my question is: in designing the promotional campaign for U-Kare, should i build on the current campaign of copper T?.. in-terms of artwork, concept, visuals, etc, hence continue with same ad agency? or should i make a totally separate campaign, with another agency?
- argument for building on the same campaign is: since target audience portraits us as their "IUD source", then we should maintain consistency, especially since U-Kare is a product line extension, and the company is pretty recent in egypt, so it is yet establishing its identity.
- argument for new campaign: current campaign of copper T still has potential to be further used, so leave the space for copper T. plus, using photos, artwork, etc of copper T will dilute the promotional impact made for U-Kare, and that target audience (gynecologists) need to see something new from time to time.

NB please note that copper T will not be withdrawn from the market

i personally think it's better to build on the same campaign, but tailor the artwork to the brand (colours, etc). however, pls don't allow my opinion to affect yours! would really love to hear as many opinions as possible!

thanks a million!
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  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Accepted

    Old campaigns will be hugely beneficial from a consistency stand point. Especially if you are into linking off of the previous success of the earlier launch.

    Now if you are trying to project a new or slightly different image in order to make it appear in the market place that you are a separate entity in direct competition with the old product then go with a new campaign.

    Ride the WAVE of the previous success of the earlier product and expand your foot print in the marketplace through increased awareness by using an aggressive PR campaign.

    Focus would be on working extensively with existing customers/clients including consumers in the marketplace and medical professionals. By nurturing existing customers you will save capital and multiply an increase in your cash flow as you strengthen existing core relationships.

    This will take your new product to a whole NEW level in the existing market place. Your new campaign would focus on increased knowledge based education, training, endorsements from key people in the medical industry in order to build huge social proof and a continued strong, consistent, progressive following. Is there anything else I can do for you Sofia?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    C-reating P-romotional E-xcellence
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I'm with swalker. Keep the two brands as separate from each other as you can, and let them each present their positioning benefits as strongly and clearly as they can.

    如果你使用相同的机构,坚持独立的creative teams and separate account people. Better if you can get a new agency on the case, as they will have more passion for an aggressive competitive approach -- which will ultimately benefit both brands.

    This is the Procter & Gamble approach, and it's been proven to work effectively across a number of industries, products, and markets.
  • Posted byariezthomason Accepted
    Keeping in line with mgoodman and swalker, i would like to say that keeping the products as far away from each other as possible IS the best thing for you.

    If, BY CHANCE, one of them fails, the other will not be affected. Keeping them as an extension however will only bring the other to its knees too as the public will also begin to not trust the other one.

    Keeping the creative team different is by far the best option. It may be a little bit costly, but then you DO want to portray them in different lights....

    What i would suggest is that you run with the agressive PR FOLLOWED LATER by advertising.
    The early PR will drive the idea into the minds of the public and the (later on) advertisements will only further cement the idea in their minds.

    Hope this helps...

    Do keep us all posted as to how your product works out.
    All The Best!!

    Ariez Thomas

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