
Topic: Career/Training

Companies Hiring Database Marketing Analysts

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would like to change the points to 250. Unable to find a way to do it.

I would like to apologize upfront if a post like this is not allowed in this community. This is my first post here.

I'm a Database Marketing Analyst that has 4 years of experience in building databases, marketing data marts and doing campaign management development using Unica Campaign tool set. Consulting is wearing me down and I'm looking for a full time job so that I can start my part-time MBA. Since all my experience has been in my current job, I never interviewed or looked out for companies that hire DMA's. I've been looking on Monster and Dice but not much success there. I would sincerely appreciate if someone could suggest as to how to go about my job search. Conventional means are not working. I'm trying the networking route too. Most of the people I know are caught up in the IT rut and barely understand what my job profile is. You can say, I'm surrounded by techies.

Thanks in advance

Please feel free to write to me on

email address deleted by staff

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  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    Looks like you have come to the right place... if you complete your profile, we will have a bit more information about you (e.g. this is a world-wide forum - where are you located?) and can offer more targeted advice.

    In addition to Monster, you might check out Craig's list ( If I were looking for work, I would also sign up for (lists companies recently landing funding).

    当然,网络是最好的方法之一find a position. You say you have tried this and it has not worked for you. I'm curious, what specifically have you done? For example, are there local business / marketing associations and meetings in your area? Have you attended them? In addition to signing up for this forum, have you begun any online marketing? I'm not an expert in networking... I hope others can chime in with additional online sources, but have you checked out LinkedIn?

    I know what you mean about consulting wearing you down. Is it the work, or the travel, or the hassles of getting paid which bugs you the most? Are you sure you would be happy in a full time job after consulting? I left my consulting business (hired by a client) and couldn't wait to be back on my own. Can you tell us more about your current consulting work - if we could help you run your business more efficiently, would that be a good thing?
  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    Have you had a look at the marketingprofs job bank?


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