
Topic: Website Critique

Professional Association (non-profit)

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Please be as candid as you can in your critique of my association's Examples of great websites would be appreciated.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Nawshad,

    Nice site, I like the navigation. In order to keep your home page's look and feel consistent you could use just one font - e.g. you're using Verdana, but the Credit Management Classroom Course link is in Times New Roman. Also at the bottom of the home page you could find a better way to arrange partners and links. Add more text.

    You images don't have alt tags - at least use them for your navigation because the search engine spider will have a hard time following them. You should also add meta keywords and descriptions for each of your pages. The Lectures link seems broken.

    The man and woman images in the inner pages next to the left navigation (especially the shadow) make it a little bit hard to read. Also try validating your pages the doctype is missing.

    When you fix those, I think it will look really professional.

    Hope this helps :)

  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Very nicely done. I would say A+. the only thing i could find that maybe could be looked at is the speed at which the pictures filled in. But that could be my own system.
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted byDon Meyeron Accepted

    I like the crispness, use of white space, and people images. I also found the main sections to be good ones but I'm not sure why things are listed in multiple sections (e.g., National Credit Conference is everywhere and the address is different for each one).

    ~ "JOIN" link to membership information should be available on every page.
    ~Consider adding a "Recommend a Member" function.
    ~ I found it inconsistent that the Search mechanism is on the top right on the home page but in the opposite position on the other pages.
    ~ Chapter Happenings, looks like it was just thrown doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the design.
    ~ Wow, your affinity partners must love you with placement on the home page. I hope you are getting them to pay for that.
    ~In the Member Benefits listing...your listing of products and services do not all list the real benefit to members (e.g., saves time, saves money, provides networking, keeps them up to date on issues, can help them in day to day work, makes them stand out, etc.)
    ~You might want to consider listing a link to the code of ethics in your join area since all members must adhere to it and should know about it before joining.
    ~我要假设一旦你登录,你can access all the member-only content. I'm not sure why you don't have the log in accessible from your home page. It shows potential members that there is content they can't get to unless they join.
    ~As mentioned above, some font inconsistencies (see Strategic Plan page)
    ~ You might consider making an education section since that is (I'm assuming) for members and visitors. Do members pay receive discounted pricing?
    ~Related Links...are these valuable to members too? If I were a member I wouldn't look in Visitors for things I need.
    ~ Students>>Lectures. Link did not work.
    ~I like the consistency offered by the template for the chapter pages.

    Hope this is helpful.


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