
Topic: Career/Training

Asking For Promotion

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I've been working hard for my current company and feel that I should be promoted. What is the best way to ask for a promotion?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Depending on the circumstance - you don''t give much data-here is a suggestion:
    Name the exact promotion, then give you boss a full list of your products/contributions to the company up to now.
    Then ask for the promotion and if he is somewhat hesitant or tries to talk around it, suggest him to take this new position on a risk free trial. Offer him to try it for a period of, say 3 month, on same salary and if he thinks you don''t perform satisfactory; you will go back to you old position. The idea is to offer him to make a risk free decision. Give it a try.

    Lars Hørl

  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    Its always important to start a "Glory File", this is a file of corrospondance with customers and colleagues that thanks you for the work you have done and the effort that you put into your daily tasks.

    These an then we wheeled out as evidence of your contribution.

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