
Topic: Strategy

What Gets Smes To Become Your Customers?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Im working for an energy company that has focused on the residential market and has had some success, mainly through company acquisition, in building SME numbers.

We are now looking to develop strategies that will organically provide us with multiple entry points into the SME market that will win new customers and retain existing.

What works, what doesnt.... ? Your thoughts / comments / experiences / feedback most appreciated!
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    I don't know if it is within your budget but there are a couple of indepth studies available online.....

    In order to play in this market, you are going to need to develop a environmentally friendly, society driven marketing program.

    The movement has not been as big in the US as in Europe...

    Good Luck
    Frank Hurtte

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