
Topic: Website Critique

Website Audit Resources

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am about to begin a redesign and redevelopment of our website and am looking for any website audit resources or tools that are available?
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  • Posted on Author
    KSA...It is a wholesale upgrade that will review everything from aesthetics, eye travel, navigation, usability, positioning, etc.....This is from the marketing point of view. Is there a template or outline that you know of that allows a step by step review in this fashoin? Thank you.
  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    Welcome, I can suggest two ways forward.

    I used to offer basic free usability reports on my website, but if you email me your details, I'll do one for you.
    Also if you go to my website, you can order a free SEO report (even using the free report, I have got people to Number 1 in Google, Y! and MSN).

    In addition, it might be worth posting a project (// to get some closer more professional and paid advice :-)

    Good Luck
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    the beauty of this forum... Andrew I just linked to your sight for future reference...

  • Posted on Author
    To all, Thank you very much for your prompt feedback. Since I am going to totally redesign our whole website it would be somewhat fruitless to take advantage of your generous offer, AndrewS. I will find you again when we have it up a running. I was basically looking for a simple guide for things to look for when auditing the website for upgrades and alterations. I want to start a the basics. I would suggest that everyone check out at least see what not to do and some very useful data and studies (ie. eye tracking etc..). Thank you all and good luck.

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