
Topic: Advertising/PR

Grand Opening For Data Protection Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to begin planning a large grand opening event for the data protection company I work for. We will be opening our new building next summer, and I have been given a decent sized budget (with big expectations).

I need help developing a creative theme, as well as finding out how I can book decent talent to perform (because I know that I definitely want to have music entertainment there as well). Please help!
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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    I just took part in a grand "re-opening" of one of our main buildings with new classrooms, computer labs, conference rooms, etc.

    The "theme"" we focused on was "BIG, Professional, and Class".

    Here is a brief list of what was present etc.

    1. A big ribbon-cutting ceremony outside the building with the Chamber of Commerce and other relative organization heads. (Decorate building/main entrance with Big ribbons, banners, flags, etc.)

    2. A Fox News media team.

    3. Live radio station remote at the front of the building.

    4. Local High School Drum Squad (for the ribbon-cutting drum roll).

    5. Have staff take small groups of people on tours of the complex.

    6. Lot's of food and drink. The type you want is up to you. You can cater in salmon and pasta with ice sculptures...or you can cater a "cook-out" - hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.

    Of course there is a lot more detail, but I hope you get the idea. We took advantage of the event in every way imaginable. As a result, we were plastered all over the news, radio, and print. PLUS received praise and commendations from city officials and other relative organizations. In short, we nailed it.

    Hopefully this will help get your juices flowing. Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss in a more formal, detailed manner.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the feedback so far! Love the idea of a high school drum squad for the drumroll!

    Basically, my target audience includes small-medium businesses and higher education institutions (regionally located). I've already talked with a local business magazine about getting a feature story included a month or so before the opening is to take place, but hadn't yet thought about including radio (nice idea). Otherwise, I guess the fact that it is such a contradictory concept (secure vs. facility tours, etc) is what is hanging me up on a theme.

    Anyways, thanks again for the ideas so far, and if you have any more, please let me know!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Why not play up the "data protection" with a theme like "Mission Impossible," "Batman" or some super hero? You could have costumed characters or have a mystery dinner theatre or scavenger hunt.
    Just some ideas to begin with.

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