
Topic: Website Critique

Re-launched Site - So So Results - Why?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Please offer any suggestions for my newly re-launched web

We are advertising on Google (right hand side) but my competitor is constantly listed on the left hand side at the top. Can anyone tell me how to do that?

Any help greatly appreciated!

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  • Posted on Accepted
    The upper slots of google Adwords are reserved for the top three (or two in some cases) bidders for that keyword. If you want to show up on the top, raise your bid until you get there.

    的唯一方法确定为什么你没有getting the sales you want is through tracking your site's visits and then seeing where customers are falling out of your funnel. You or your web designer should be able to set up tracking mechanisms pretty easily, and this is vital since you really need to identify where the customers tend to get hung up even if you ARE getting ok sales.
    First, check your web visits, and if there are enough hits to support more sales then you are getting, you need to look at your site design very closely. By the way, 1% or lower conversion from Google and Yahoo ads is the norm, so you will probably need about 100 hits for every sale. If you aren't hitting this number, time to visit your web designer...

    If people are giving up during a step in the order process maybe something is wrong with your form, asking for too much info etc.

    If they aren't even making it that far, it could be pricing, graphics not appealing, confusing navigation etc. NOT to say your site suffers from these things, it looks pretty decent (although VERY similar to another UGG site...)

    Good Luck!
  • Posted on Member
    By the way, the URL is extra dot at the end)
  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi Michelletrex,

    bcoots offered some good advice, however, the advice on how to show on the top left of Google is inaccurate.

    With Google, unlike Yahoo, you cannot determine your preferred position solely on the maximum CPC that you bid.

    Instead, you need to be aware of what they call their Quality Score:

    Your Quality Score is determined by an algorithm consisting of your keyword's CTR, relevance of ad text, historical keyword performance, landing pages and other relevancy factors that sets the minimum bid you'll need to pay in order for your keyword to trigger ads.

    If your maximum CPC is less than the minimum bid assigned to your keyword(s) for where you would like to be positioned, you'll need to either raise the CPC to the minimum bid listed OR optimize your campaign for quality OR some combination of all these.

    Just don't count on raising your max CPC as being the silver bullet that gives you those coveted top left spots or you most likely will be chasing something you can't catch.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I know Americans aren't the only ones potentially buying from your site - you're Australian after all! - but even after clicking "international prices" all I see is AUD$153.64. If I click "Australian prices" I see AUD$169.00. If I have to go to another site to do currency exchange to see how much they are going to cost, I might as well go to another site where I can buy Uggs and the prices are USD. Or am I missing something?

    Also - in your top navigation - you've got INORMATION. Unless this is a language thing, I think it should be INFORMATION? Plus, when you click on it, instead of dropping down it goes off to the left - unexpected behavior when you expect it to "drop down".

    You've got a great product - hope this helps!

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