
Topic: Advertising/PR

Window Cleaner Needs Your Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
I have books upon books, cds on top of cds on marketing. I now have overwhelmed myself with too many ideas.

Say you have a small service company, what methods would you use if on a small budget (say $500). I am #1 on the pay per clicks for the major search engines. What I want to do now is put myself in front of those not looking.

Would direct mail be the way to go? would a joint venture be best?

Any advice on this topic would be wonderful. It is always easier for someone looking in, without the attachments of owning the business.

I have been pondering getting coaching from a "guru" like Kim Gordon ($$) or Dave Lakhani ($$$)


Paul [URL deleted by staff]
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  • Posted byLevonon Accepted
    Well if you have a small budget of $500 a Kim Gordon or Dave Lakhani session won't leave much left over for the marketing.

    From what you shared, it seems your digital marketing is perfecto! Now focus on another arm of your marketing beast -- the printed aspect. Your kind of work is a street kind of business -- I think your priorities are wrong. I would of started with print then moved on to the web after I was more established. Please don't take what I have to say out of context -- my advice is based entirely on what you have shared. It is good that your digital marketing is already in a mature state -- use this to your advantage.

    With $500 I would print up some laminated 2 sided color business cards (laminated because what you do involves water)-- with a marketing message on the back -- perhaps a "call-to-action" to get people to call you and enquire about your services. After you print some business cards -- use what is left over for a flyer campaign with a prompt -- a special that runs out after a set period. The flyers don't have to be color -- black and white on color paper works very well for your kind of service.
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Accepted
    As you know, I've already pitched your company in a joint venture, but we were turned down by the other partner who didn't 'get' the concept. I hope we are still looking. :-)

    知道一点关于你的公司和你的市场,I think targeted direct mail would be an interesting experiment. Seeking out a partner of joint venture would be very interesting, but I think you would find that most partners are uneducated, inexperienced, and not as adventurous as you.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network

    If you seek a guru, you might consider posting a project on this board. There are folk just as qualified, but for a lot less ($$$) available.

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