
Topic: Branding

Colleges With Branding Programs...

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi my name is Martin, I recently graduated in Multimedia Design. I`m interested in getting a MBA in Branding, the problem is that I haven`t been able to find a College that offers that program. If you could recommend some good schools I would really appreciate it!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Where do you live?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Most of the top-flight marketing-focused MBA programs offer a strong core curriculum in branding. A couple of really good ones are Kellogg and Tuck (Dartmouth).
  • Posted on Accepted
    On a whim I clicked on your name and saw that you made a similar post here almost exactly 2 years ago. Seems that in the meantime you furthered your credentials with a degree in multimedia design, but are still back at the point of asking "how do i get someplace in marketing that involves brands without all that crazy number crunching?"

    You're having trouble finding a school for MBAs in Branding due to the simple fact that one doesn't exist. The closest you'll get is the MBA in Marketing, but unfortunately your core curriculum will involve at least 1/3 of your classes doing numbers - Statistics, Corporate Finance, Macroeconomics, etc. I'd hate to see you waste your time and money.

    I think you have enough in the way of education at this point. You need to firm up where you want to be and what you want to be - is it as a brand strategist? or a branding identity creator? etc etc. Given your aversion to numbers, be sure to stay far away from anything to do with direct marketing!

    一旦你已经决定,甚至帮助你12月ide if you are not sure, reach out/network with people in related companies. For example, if you want to work on brand strategies, network your way around an agency like Prophet (or other similar - use Google to find companies in your area). Or if you want to find out what it is like to work at a brand identity agency, contact someone at a Landor office (or other similar).

    These networking contacts would also be best at telling you how your current credentials shape up for consideration, and/or if there are any gaps. And who knows - if the conversations go well, you might even seize an opportunity right away. Beats two years of all-nighters, no?

    Best of luck.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Martin- Its difficult to start in branding even with specific branding degrees from great colleges. Very few college grads get to start with branding because simply branding is not just Mktg & advtg. Its knowing the mkt and what drives your customer which comes through prolonged exposure to sales, mktg, research, Ops etc etc.
    Forget starting off in branding- just start off with advtg and then work your way up.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Get an MBA in Creative Writing
  • Posted bytdbillon Accepted
    Let me give you a great piece of advice. I have a Masters Degree and I went straight from my Bachelors program into my Masters program. I recommend joining the workforce for a few years before going back. I do not regret getting my Masters, but I would have done it after I got more experience in the "real world." You will get more out of your education that way.
  • Posted bytdbillon Member
    Let me give you a great piece of advice. I have a Masters Degree and I went straight from my Bachelors program into my Masters program. I recommend joining the workforce for a few years before going back. I do not regret getting my Masters, but I would have done it after I got more experience in the "real world." You will get more out of your education that way.
  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Accepted
    Hi Martin

    There is hardly any good or top-class school that offers MBA with a (only) Branding major program. Usually schools offer MBA with Marketing Major programs as Branding is part of the entire marketing process. you need to learn the entire marketing spectrum, products, brands, sales, trade, distribution, operations, logistics etc.

    i would suggest you to have a look at the MBA programs of top-schools like Kellogs, Tuck, Wharton, UPenn, PennState, NYU, Columbia and compare the marketing courses they offer. find out who concentrates mostly on Branding and based on that you can choose your school.

    you can check the following link from Businessweek listing the top ranked MBA programs of 2006

    hope this helps


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