
Topic: Branding

Branding Using Regionally Specific Messaging

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for examples of brands that have built their equity by using regionally specific messaging i.e. a message that is only relevant to a specific market because of different market conditions or perhaps even different attitudes toward the brand.

I have already compiled a list but am looking for more examples.


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  • Posted on Accepted
    For example, it is impossible to find Diet Coca Cola in some countries in south-easter Europe but only Coca Cola Light (its the same product). This is mainly because people in that part of Europe associate 'diet' with diabetes and dieting (mainly for health reasons) and this is not the Coca Cola side of life or the core message of their marketing efforts. Sometimes it may even prove difficult to find Coca Cola Light in restaurant or cafes, only in supermarkets. General attitute towards 'diet' and 'light' drinks is not the best one, they recognised this and changed their messaging strategy.

    I hope this helps a little.

  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Accepted
    Hi Noel

    if you talk about brand message which is the essence of the brand then hardly any brand does a twicking with that to suit different markets

    rather they keep the brand essence same but change or adapt the advertising and communcation message for different markets. in some instances the brand name is changed or twicked a little bit.

    like Emi have mentioned, Diet Coke or Coke Light is an example. another is Ovaltine Malted Milk; while in all the markets white variant of Ovaltine is known as Ovaltine Malted Milk, its branded as Ovaltine White in Thailand.

    you will also find examples of a brand positioning itself differently in different market to enhance its equity. example is Chrevolet cars, its entry-level car in US and North American Markets but is positioned as a premium car in Indian market.

    hope this helps

  • Posted byrjohnnion Accepted
    You could look at these examples.

    Toyota - premium jap car in west, but taxi in Mid East

    KFC - fastfood joint in the west, Happening place in east (for its american imagery)

    The idea is to position the brand differently in different markets. And based on the market conditions, reap the rewards.

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