
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Service Providers

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
我们是一个说tance correspondence provider would like to do some email marketing. We are researching email service providers and would like to know which providers you recommend. We plan to use this application for surveys, newsletters and new customer acquisition campaigns. Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted on Member
    I have used Exact Target and e-Dialog successfully at other companies. At my present company we use Epsilon's DreamMail, successfully enough to renew our contract.
  • Posted on Author
    I'd like to clarify a little bit. We are a distance education provider, offering Real Estate continuing education courses online and in correspondence/mail order formats. Our goal is to communicate with our existing students via an email newsletter as well as run some new student referral campaigns via email. Our needs are relativatly unsophisticated and our budget modest. We like the ASP model. The ability to pull data in and out and then update our own database is important. Thank you for your assistance.
  • Posted on Accepted
    A few of my contacts
    and claim that it's a reasonably priced service.

    Good Luck,

  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Member
    Try if you want to include lead nurturing and CMS into your process. They do it all, email to database management.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Constant Contact is the easiest and best... and they offer a 3 month free trial....
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Member
    Take a look at Send Studio by I use it and it is great. Easy, inexpensive and you own it and do not pay for sending emails.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all so much for your thoughtful responses. We have spent considerable time in the MarketingProfs vendor comparison grid/chart and found it overwhelming. A reference from someone who has used one or multiple tools means far more.
  • Posted on Member
    We use a provider called Streamsend ( I'm sort of a control freak and wanted something that would lend complete creative control. It does have a WYSIWYG editor, but I generally create most of my e-mails in HTML and cut and paste into their interface.

    It's not the most robust product and sometimes I feel like I'm the only one using them, but I love the complete control I can have over content. The interface is pretty clean, it offers rudimentary list management and A/B testing and all the other basics. They also give you your own IP address, so your e-mails aren't blacklisted because someone else using the service sent spam.

    But the best part is the price: I get 10,000 e-mails a month for $20. I think 50,000 is something like $50.

    Again, no bells and whistles, but for a small business user with design knowledge/HTML skills, it should fit the bill. They have a free trial, so try it out for 30 days if you are interested.
  • Posted byjenbon Accepted
    I've used Constant Contact for years and have used it at several client and non-profit organization sites. It is quite reasonable and somewhat intuitive. You can be a little constrained by the limitations of the templates, but if no template suits your needs you can upload a custom HTML. The tracking of bounces and email opens is very good. One word of caution: if you are emailing to addresses at major corporations, some corporations have blocked Constant Contact because they see it as a promotional email tool. You will have visbility into this if it happens, and then you can ask the individuals at the corporation for an alternate address.
  • Posted on Accepted
    My First Priority:
    I'd recommend you to go for Constantcontact...i have used it for my email campaigns. They didnt had a good interface at first, but now the interface is ver nice and easy to use. It depends on your marketing requirement, i personally feel that constantcontact will be suitable for your above requirement.

    Second Priority:
    If you are not ok with constant contact try bronto, but it is costlier than CC.

    hope this will help you.

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