
Topic: Customer Behavior

How To Segment Coffee Bar Market???

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Trying to get some ideas on how to segment the market for a specialty coffee bar.

Here's what i'm thinking:

(1) Afficianado - customers who care about taste, they go to cafes that use the best beans, the best equipment, and have highly skilled baristas. These customers prefer espresso based drinks.

(2) Coffee Bar Experience - customers who also care about good coffee but care MORE about having a "third place" to sip coffee and linger and socialize. These customers prefer espresso based drinks.

(3)价格/便利——活跃的佤邦的客户nt good coffee that is fast, hot and less expensive than that of a specialty coffee shop...and in a convenient location. These customers prefer coffee drinks.

Am i missing anything?

Should i combine any of the segments?

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  • Posted bytelemoxieon Member
    how about, "confused".

    Someone walks into a coffee shop, because they want a cup of coffee.

    Just a cup of coffee. That's all. Just coffee.

    They are presented with dozens of choices, sometimes using made-up words, designed to sound like languages that they don't understand.

    Suppose that you went to a restaurant, and they just listed the name of the entree - and no one ever told you what it was? You either had to guess, or ask the waiter... (everyone might laugh at you, because you don't know the 'secret words'...)

    Would it be so terrible to have some signs or descriptions or definitions or something, to help people have some minimal understanding of what they are ordering?
  • Posted byTraceyon Accepted
    I think the segments look good. I wanted to discuss #3, especially in relation to 'Bucks'. I go there pretty often; I'd say I'm probably a typical customer. I go there NOT because it is cheap, as it most certainly is not. It is convenient, though. So I'm not totally sure if price and convenience belong in the same category. Maybe convenience & consistency belong in the same category.

    The reason I'm willing to pay Bucks prices? In order:
    1. Consistent product. I know what I'll get when I order, because it's pretty consistent across all Starbucks.
    2. IMHO, they make good, or at least, decent, espresso drinks.
    3. Convenience. Fast, easy to pay.
    4. Sometimes I do go there as group #2 also, just to have a place to sit and read while I drink my coffee.
  • Posted byPhoenix ONEon Accepted
    I think your segmentation is quite good - just a few thoughts on the subject.

    Perception comesgreatlyinto play for all 3 segments - The Persona - Name, Appearance, Sq.Footage, Type Seating, Trendy Cup to Carry Around, Location and Pricing. . .Beforewe ever get to a good cup of Joe.

    The key is to combine perception and personna with location - Which segment "walks my streets"? How can I drive traffic there?

    Appearance for the place- will attract either a partial or full segment example: the snob thinks the name is trendy, the place looks hip, so the high price makes sense, regardless of coffee taste.

    The trendy does not care he can get a better cup at the 7/11 for 1/2 the price, he does not want to carry around a 7/11 coffee cup. That simply would not be hip, price be damn, its not cool~

    Many of the 7/11 crowd do not have the time to spend 10 mins waiting for a latte, nor desire to spend 1 1/2 hrs sitting in Starbucks sipping a $5.00 coffee (no refills) surfing the internet. They want value and convienence.

    The people who come just to hang out- prefer ambiance over substance, cool appearance, wireless access, hip cd playing, downtown street location, a destination place. A place to meet and greet.

    Retail segmentation will be divided by primarily location and then Perception of Value to your target audience. Value will be created by a great marketing program, driving people to the location. Word of mouth marketing in this retail segment is critical to success.

    Good Luck and Happy Marketing ~

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