
Topic: Student Questions

Researching Ethnic Consumer Behaviour

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have been searching long and hard for resources regarding Ethnic Marketing. Specifically, I am interested in the some of the buying behaviour of various ethnicities; South Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lankan), African-Canadian (or American), and Filipino.

I have done quite a large amount on the statisical data in terms of finding demographics. I do not have a budget/expenditure of any kind to spend as I am doing preliminary research which would later be translated to in to a formal presentation asking for funds to conduct some real primary research . I've used the statistics Canada website for all my demographic data.

What I am lacking is sources of information in which I can find out this stuff.

I know there are resources on Ethnic Marketing and I have read quite a bit. But when it comes to the consumer behaviour aspect it's getting tough.

Where can I procure resources on the Canadian South Asian group and others mentioned above?

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