
Topic: E-Marketing

E-mail Marketing: Handle In-house Or Outsource?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am in the midst of planning an e-mail campaign, and I am not sure which route I should take. With a small list (<1000 opt-ins), should I use software and run the e-mail campaign manually, or should I go ahead and do it in conjunction with a vendor, like Silverpop? Are there any recommendations for solutions in both instances (i.e. e-mail software packages as well as e-mail service providers?) What are some of the advantages and drawbacks to each solution? Finally, what will the costs look like? I realize that handling it in house with software will be cheaper, but any ballpark figures would be most helpful.
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    With Web-based solutions being so affordable, I can't think of a reason to use software.

    I think you can find a solution that is very cost-effective for a list of your size, not to mention one that is very easy to use. In fact, I bet when you look at the true cost of ownership of the software (translation: you put a value on the time you spend administering it), you'll see that a Web solution is the better bet.

    Check out:

    我肯定其中一个将做您所需要的minimal fuss, and the pricing should be agreeable.

    Good luck.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your advice. However, I'm not entirely sure what you two are suggesting (and I think I may have mis-stated my original question.) How are the web-based solutions you have suggested, such as constant contact, different from outsourcing e-mail to a provider such as SilverPop or Cheetahmail (or have I misunderstood this altogether?) Also, by using a web-based solution, will I be sacrificing some features, such as having my own IP address from which to send e-mails?
  • Posted byAnnelieson Accepted
    First 1000 e-mails for free to test a system. No thricks, I have been to a seminar of this company and the system is not only fast, but it tracks and gives you great statistics to measure your success.
    Good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks again, these answers have been most helpful. Also, if I were to use web-based software, how would I go about designing e-mail? Do a lot of these web-based solutions offer e-mail design, or would I have to use someone else?

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