
Topic: Student Questions

B2b Vs B2c, Ethical Issues

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Explain how ehtical, legal, and regualatory issues differ on a B2C site compared to a B2B site?
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  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    Privacy and security are the first things that comes to mind. For B2C, it's about protecting site customers from spammers and from identity thieves. For B2B, maybe it's more about protecting site customers from competitive snooping.

    Not a complete answer for you, but perhaps it's a start.

    - Shelley
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    Michele definitely pointed out something to consider - location. Ethical, legal, and regualatory issues all vary by country. Also varies by industry and product.

    B2C often has more worry about liability lawsuits due to the misuse of their product, whicch is not usually a problem in B2B.

    Ethical - there is some thought about how you market products in B2B. In the US, are we promoting prescription drugs to consumers which really aren't their best solution (the one that provides the most effective medical result with the least side effects for the least cost)? But there are some issues similar to this on B2B side (weapons manufacturers come to mind).

    产品和国家法规变化。我症d in an area where we sold simialr products to consumers and industry. We had to meet UL requirements for the consumer, but FM for the industrial, even though the products were basically the same. This doesn't come to play as much in Europe, where they have to meet CE for everything.

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