
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Division Of A Big Company

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello, dear Members
I am having some trouble coming up with a name for a new division of a big company.
It is a large investment company with many different divisions. They buy companies, make them grow, then sale them some years later.
Those divisions are in different industries, but they all have one thing in common: the name of investor is included in division's name (i.e. Investor marketing solutions, Investor RFID technologies, etc.)
This new division sells security products and I am lost trying to come up with a good name.
I find that something like Investor Security Products is very boring, but I don't see any other options.
Another thing is that since the name is already very long (I can not use abbreviation in logo, it must include full name to make sure customers know who division belongs to) I will not able to fit a tag line to say more.

Any ideas on a proper way of doing it?
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  • Posted on Member
    Investor Security Group
    Investor Securities

    Make it plain and simple. Nothing fancy required. The tagline can exlpain it further if it is simple and easily understood.
  • Posted on Author
    promochic, thank you for your response
    As I mentioned, there is no way to fit a tag line in logo, so the name should say it all.
    I can not use "group" as it is not a group, it is one company
    And "securities" refers to everything and nothing (i.e. rifd division could be called this name as well)
    There's gotta be a solution, I just don't see it
  • Posted byjillzjunkon Member
    A few thoughts:

    Investor Security Guard
    Investor Security Solutions
    Investor Security Specialist(s)
    "" " Expert(s)/Authority(ies)/Master(s)

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    ethnicomm: thank you for your opinion. I am considering to choose a descriptive name hoping that Investor's name will do the rest

    peg: very useful advices, that is what I was looking for, thank you!

  • Posted on Member
    Hey Fishka,

    Here are some I can think of. Good luck!

    Investor Sell-o-Security
    Investor makeItSecure
    Investor makeItSafe
    Investor TradeSecurity
    Investor SecureProducts
    Investor SecureMe
    Investor ProtectMe
    Investor Safety Products
    Investor SafeNSecure
    Investor HelpSecure
    Investor SafeGuard
  • Posted on Author
    mbarrett & mhadya1:像你说的,我想the name to be something less Webster Dictionary, but it's very hard to come up with a decent idea (remember, I have to keep in mind all the other divisions that have something to do with security as well; a name like SafeNSecure could be applied to any of other divisions as well....)
    thank you for your comments
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you guys for you help.
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Member

    The traditional Idiom for "security" POM is already very well known (Peace Of Mind) but spelling -Piece- this way also suggests part of something larger PLUS thoughtful insight for the Mind part included.
    Experience and promise...

    ((Consumer experience is KEY.....A name is very important...a brand delivers a promise....))

    Pie logo etc could work easily .

    Now for the ending which is also 'out there' ...

    You are picking up and delivering these companies to a better destination...through well guided growth, you are the delivery specialists, the Pilots of Profit.

    Piece Of Mind Pilots

    Good Luck

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