
Topic: Advertising/PR

Trade Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 40 Points
What is trade marketing and how does it affect advertisers doing promotion for brands?
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  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Accepted
    Hi Imran

    you can say Trade Marketing is marketing activities that are undertaken in trade level. an important aspect of Trade Marketing is ensuring the trade/retail to be abreast of your brands/products/services and also talk in favour of you to an end-consumer. BTL communications are also part of trade marketing.

    the reason of having trade marketing is to remind the consumers of the brand and its communication at tradel/retail end to induce consumers in purchasing. the logic is the ATL communications are have a short memory life as a TVC is only 30 sec and a OOH is visible for a few minutes while passing by, a press ad is only for a day. so when a consumer is exposed to all these ATL communication and there is BTL communication at trade end and add the retailer/trade recommendation for your brand, the consumer is more likely to find similarity in communication, get a positive referral from retailer and be induced to purchase the product.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted bybinhpton Member
    Trade marketing or customer marketing is a term which comes from some FMCG company to indicate the marketing activities targeting to company's retailers and players in its distribution channel.

    As its definition, the target clients of Trade marketing is the owner/manager of the retailing systems. In other words, it is responsible for the pushing force. Some examples for these activities: merchandising at outlets, trade promotion (special promotion for trade owners), ... And it should be considered as part of a whole campaign to maximize the effectiveness of all your activities.

  • Posted on Member
    Hi, I want to know the basics of Trade Marketing. What plans you suggest for launch of a new wireless service provider, in terms of trade mktg.

    Vishal Srivastava

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