
Topic: Taglines/Names

Punch Line For A Store Selling Storage Items

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have a shop which sells products to help in storage. We are planning to name the store as Storage Ideas.
Looking out for a good punch line to compliment the store name. Can any one suggest some brilliant ones? on th lines of- Storage Ideas-Better ideas for Better storage Or...Smart ideas, Smarter storage etcetc
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Anand - first thing, you don't want to repeat yourself - it's a waste of space, so don't use 'storeage' again, nor store, which also means shop.

    I don't know what kind of products you sell, but if you put yourself in the place of someone who wants to store something two of the main things they will want is that their stuff is tidy and safe. So:

    Storage Ideas - Keep it tidy and safe!

    或Storage Ideas - Keep it tidy, clean and safe!

    Storage Ideas - Tidy it away!

    或if you are offering storage facilities:

    Storage Ideas - Keeping it tidy, clean and safe!

    Peter Hobday
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Storage Ideas - Out of sight, Out of mind
    Storage Ideas - File it, Find it again
    Storage Ideas - We find a home for all your stuff
  • Posted on Author
    Hi, Thanks. More abt the store. it sells products for storage -Home and office use. Not for industrial of course! Products for storage could be-Files/Bins for towels, Hangers, Laptop bags-etc. if these help to get a more appropriate idea! Also keeping in mind it shd be used for a outdoor Hoarding, it should be catchy!
  • Posted on Member
    Anand - OK.

    Storage Ideas - your one-stop store for a tidy home and office

    Then a pic of your store-front and you standing outside in a close-up with a welcoming smile and gesture.

    You'll become famous, but you'll have to live with that.

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I am not sure why you need or want a tagline. Is there something about the "Storage Ideas" name that you think is unclear?

    你认为当你有会不同a tagline? And for whose benefit are you doing this? If this is a local business, you might want to say so -- "Peoria's neatest concept" -- playing on the double meaning of "neatest."

    I'm usually big on making sure you are explicit with the benefit promise, but in this case the benefit is different (potentially) for each of your different target audiences. It's not going to be easy to be spot on for 2 or 3 audiences each of which need different benefits. And "Storage Ideas" is pretty clear and suggests whatever benefit the audience imparts to it.

    I might pass on a tagline for this business, and use my time, energy and money getting a GREAT logo.
  • Posted on Accepted
    store it right to find it right or store it right to find it right at storage ideas, or store right find quick with storage ideas

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