
Topic: SEO/SEM

Auto Parts

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
需要一些inputon SEO forwww.mbsautoparts.comthe site was off line for a while and lost all PR. (PR 4 and now PR0, our highest PR was 6 ) of course we will be back at PR4 in about 90 days, but we would like to be at about PR 6 within 6 months.

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What got you PR0? PR6? What changed?

    [Aside: Don't confuse page rank with traffic, and don't confuse traffic with sales. You really don't care about page rank, nor traffic, but you want more sales.]

    Page rank is basically a relative importance of your site over others with similar content. So, to bump up your rank, you need to be perceived as something of value to other web sites. You currently have a lot of Yahoo links, but quantity isn't the same as quality. You want links from PR7+ to possibly get your site to PR6.

    Why is your site any better than any of the other auto parts places online? Better prices? Service? Selection? Speed of shipment? Customer service? Do it yourself information? To organically get a better placement, you need a value that's clearly useful.

    To be higher than others businesses with the same keywords, you need to find out why they are higher. Where are their backlinks coming from? Find them, and see if you can at least get them too.

    Lastly, there is the gray world of link exchange, where you buy or trade links to each other's site in order to help out your ranking. This isn't optimal, but there may be natural link exchanges that truly benefit you, rather than a link exchange wholesaler.

  • Posted byexcelliraon Accepted
    PageRank relates to backlinks:

    I have seen PR 0 sites beat PR 6 sites. It is a handy gauge to measure your progress but it should not be focused upon.

    You do not need PR 7 links to get a PR 6 page though it can be very helpful if you can get them.

    As for the site:

    -Navigation is image-based and could easily be CSS/HTML and look and function identically.

    -16.46% Keyword density on term "parts" is significantly into spam threshold. The balance of KW seem fine.

    -Code is missing document type and characterset.

    -Canonical URL issue exists.

    -Duplicate content issue may exist with duplicate title tags IE: "BMW Radiator", "BMW Heater Core", "BMW Window Regulator", etc.

    -I would run w3c html and css validators. I notice an unconventional meta name and keyword tag structure. See here for better info:

    -You have no Google backlinks but you do have 1,600+ Yahoo links. I would check to see if the links are pointing to pages which exist. Otherwise you'll get 401 errors and the links will go away. Proper 301 redirects can preserve some of those links. Tedious but less so than building new links.

    -The Wordpac pages won't help your site so you need to have a lot of content on the mbs section.

    -The DIY section needs to be more prominent and easily accessible. It is buried in paragraph text. The link to it is helpful from an SEO standpoint and I'd leave it but you should play this up with an image and/or including in navigation. I'd sell this up. Also, the navigation in this section needs to be better. It is difficult to use.

    That is all I have time for.

    I hope this helps.

    -Greg Hill

  • Posted on Author
    Great feedback guys!!! Love it!
  • Posted byexcelliraon Member
    All good points ozeworks except in regards to KW density. Excessive KW density used to be considered spam.

    Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) may have eliminated the need to have the keyword contained on your page (low or null density) but not all SEs have this capability and, regardless of whether they do or don't, excessive KW density is still considered spam and probably will always be.

    16% is beyond the limit.

    I hope this helps.
  • Posted on Author
    Looks to me like I need to completely re-educate myself in seo, since we have been on a hiatus for 2 years a lot has changed. wow...where to being!?!?!

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