
Topic: Branding

Business Card Design Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are in the process of re-branding our company, and I am looking for some guidance for what information should be included on the business card. We are a manufacturing company, and in deciding what information, other than standard protocol, to add to the card, such as UL logos, ISO certification, a descriptive qualifier, a minority certified company... it seems like it gets too busy. What are your thoughts?
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  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Accepted
    Hi bbaumgarten,

    Hope you're having a great day but most of all a wonderful life. You've asked a great question here. And it's really quite dear to my heart these days as I've been meditating a lot on the real functionality, design and even the purpose for why we even use business cards. Most in my opinion are quite traditional and the structure rather bland.

    Yeah! Why do we use business cards anyway because most of them have lost there flavor and their purpose for inspiring and influencing others anyhow. And after spending countless man hours observing how business cards are used and engaging with a lot of my internet business partners, corporate business associates and even digital graphic printer friends I've found that the business card is one of the most under-rated, under used and under developed influencing tools held by most business people. YES, to be down right honest with you most business cards guessed it ---BORING---.

    But why?

    Do they really have to be?

    NO! They don't.

    you've got an opportunity while you're Re-Branding your business to take a little time...maybe a few days, how about a couple of weeks of drawing, redesigning, maybe even totally destroying your old card by striking a match...turning it to ashes and resurrecting it again like the sphinx.

    Why not have a funeral for your business card, a wake and burial with a eulogy and a card casket...but instead of walking around crying, why not CELEBRATE, REJOICE because your OLD card has D-I-E-D.....and Now you have a wonderful opportunity to experience the resurrection of your card coming back to life with the favor to evangelize the whole world and bring salvation to customers who are dieing because they never had the opportunity to be born again into something worth living for because of your new business card and your new GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Sure it does! Well what do you got to lose?...why don't you just determine what you want your business card to say when it hits the hand of your customer...and then just say it.

    If FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE LASTING IMPRESSIONS maybe you need to hire some Mad business card Artist or business card Fanatic to take your rebranding to a whole new level. Maybe you just want to do like I did and consider how using your business card can be used as a FUNCTIONAL TOOL to IMPACT--INSPIRE---AND PROVOKE your Customers, your Employees and also your Business Associates to just flat FREAK-OUT when your card hits the palm of their hands.

    Well whatever you do don't play it safe. Allow your business card to set you apart and make you more ---Uniquely Different--- than everyone else in your league. It's a great place to begin the process on taking NEW ground. And surely you need new business anyway...Don't you? Back in the days when Real Kings ruled the world... they martialed troops together, they stragegized and by George they took ground. Plus they weren't afraid to be Instinctive, Intuitive and even down right Emotional about the matter....because taking ground was a life or death matter and today it still is. If you don't take ground your lifestyle as you know it now will die but if you take more ground you will live far better than you might even imagine. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Accepted
    Sounds to me that you have a lot to say, and a business card just isn't enough.

    A business card is supposed to be a handy reference tostore contact information. THAT is what side A is for.

    Now, every business card has a second side, and that is where you can put a VERY BRIEF message like your Unique Selling Proposition.

    Sometimes you can add something teasing, like your web site URL. Your web site is where you can 'spill your guts' with almost unlimted information. Web sites are very handy for adding lots of information, and keeping it current.

    Of course, you could do like Hugh McLeod, and draw cartoons on the back of your business card.

    But, then again, if a business card is not enough space, why not make a business card sized mini-brochure. That's right, design a small single or tri-fold brochure that is business card sized. You'll have much more space, and perhaps a conversation piece. Here is where you can buy a PDF with this concept explained (as well as two more ideas) for around ten bucks.


    Hope this helps you.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Who will you be handing the cards to? You might find it handy to have different cards for different audiences.

    Besides the basic contact information (including email & web), please make sure that your company's name and your name can easily be read at arm's length.

    As others have mentioned, a business card is simply one piece of your marketing message. It's not a flyer. When I hand someone a card, I want them to contact me to continue our conversation.
  • Posted byEmily Nichollson Accepted
    I don't have any expertise in the functionality of the business card. However, I do know that when I'm handed a card, I often go back and make a note on the back side. Usually I make a comment about the conversation or topic or I will put a brief note about an idea in respect to the person/company. This helps me identify the person when I look back at the card at a later date.

    Just food for thought- how will the recipient of the card use it?

    I like to see basic contact info and a website. That way, if I have a question, I have the resources for which to find it.

  • Posted on Accepted
    The card is a reminder, a reference point to a person that will file it to be used again and again. Put your money into an information packet, a brochure, direct mailing, and so on, and do it frequently, providing the recipient more and newer information that they can use, and will remember you by.

    一个有吸引力的名片会记得但used only for what is on it, not a long story; people do not have time or desire to read a lot of information at one time, and will be more receptive to a card with the basics, and will remember the ides you speak of and the correspondence that is received as follow up/follow through.

  • Posted on Author
    Lots of good feedback and ideas. the biggest question is if our company name does not indicate our business, does it help to add the descriptive qualifier? I agree with the intention of a card is to provide quick information, and that is why i am wrestling with the content. A situation would be an outside sales person drops off a card and a brochure in a cold situation. Doesn't it make sense to idenditfy a value proposition on the card if done professionally and tastefully? Secondly large corporations are required either by gov't or internal initiatives to purchase from minority sources. By adding "minority certified" on the card, do you think it is valuable information/reminders or a stigma? thank you
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    I suggest add a qualifier, in case the card gets separated from the flyer. It gives me a quick idea of why I might have this card in my hand and why I might want to contact you.

    Minority Certified (etc.) would clutter the card. Licensing info, as Steve mentioned, should be on the card to build trust quickly.
  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Member
    Good branding brings simplification and clarity to all aspects of the project with good design. Nature gives clues to it's differences and so should we...I know the difference between a Cardinal and a Blue Jay because of there differences. Your business card should leave clear clues of what you do or what field you are in. Regarding the minority certification symbol in Illinois the minority certification is a form of branding that is represented on the business card. Not sure how people in your state look at the whole thing and "so in Rome do as the Romans do". But in Illinois minority certification verfication is as commonly seen as McDonald restaurants. I hope this helps.

    Your Servant, Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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