
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Models

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What sort of model could apply to the communication and marketing strategy for a global business unit in respect to it's internal AND external communications?

Our company is having problems defining our marketing and communications strategy as we don't seem to have had any market analysis conducted (it is a new business in a very old company and internal culture clashes are rife). Yet we realise that developing a strategy would be pointless without this. What sort of model or process would best be used to define what marketing materials we have, what our customers know, and how to fill in the gaps in terms of knowledge and products?

I'd appreciate any help with this, as my marketing knowledge is very rusty and I do not have access to my old textbooks!


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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    Great advice above.

    Regarding your problem with getting other representatives to engage and participate can be resolved with stern contractual commitments.

    I require all of my global distributors/reps for particular products to signa contract stating they will follow the global marketing strategies, branding, procedures etc set forth by my company. If they don't and/or show blatant incompetence/refusal, they stand to lose the contract.

    This may seem harsh but it is necessary in order to protect the integrity of the brand. Everyone must be on the same page. If you don't want to comply, then we will find someone who will. Delaying progress in order to get an effective global team with strong brand support is more valuable than "warm bodies" doing what they want.

    In short, put your foot down and give them a choice: cooperate or walk. Your company's future is farr too important.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Member

    has a very valid point. I've found that until people realize what their responsbility is to one another their are greater chances of them not communicating because to one or the other it just does not seem important. Contracts have a way of helping people to understand the depth of the committment and relationship. It also sets boundaries for how people are obligated to interact. With out boundaries anything goes and that's probably why there are so many internal cultural clashes. Remember setting boundaries are important and Jett's cooperate or walk might help people on both sides to realize the seriousness of the problem. Their must be mutual communication and respect. Is their anything else I can do for you?

    Deremiah, *CPE

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