
Topic: Branding

Brand Book

Posted byhanson 250 Points

Anyone that can recommend a book, article or somethin on how to write a Brand Book for a company.
How to perform the process, what content, how to make a work-shop in the best way. Client in retailing and very little knowledge on marketing/branding/communication

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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Here's a link to an article on positioning and branding. Also, check out, "Positioning, The Battle for your Mind" by Al Ries and Jack Trout.


    Hope this helps,

  • Posted byilanon Accepted
    I was wondering if your intention is directed at an internal or external brand book?
    You see, if you do it for the purpose of internal education of employees, to bring them into the fold and make them real brand ambassadors, it would be one thing.
    But if you need the book to serve other purposes, like brief the ad agency, it will be a different type of a book.
    Since you belong to the WPP family of companies, I suggest you approach Ogilvy.
    They are very good in doing all the brand stewardship process, including the brand book, and they have a lot of proprietary information which they may share with you since you are part of the family.
    I am sure the other information pointed to here is good, but I certainly see a difference between internal and external brand books.
    If you want to discuss it off line, get in touch with me directly.
    BTW, I love your web site!
  • Posted bybobhoggon Accepted
    Hi Hans...

    Take a look at this site:

    I can also recommend books by David Taylor: "The Brandgym", "Brand Vision", fo example.

    Good luck,
  • Posted byhanson Author

    Many thanks for Your replies. I feel very confident with the answers and specially Yours Bob.

    Have a nice day

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