
Topic: E-Marketing

Need Integrated Shopping Cart With Auto Responder

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What I'm looking for is to purchase a program or pay $30 or less a month for a system that integrates a shopping cart with auto responder/follow-up system.

(I would like to not pay $80 a month for an integrated program, such as 1shopping cart or one of it's clones.)

For example:
I have 20 digital products. Someone purchases one of my products. They get a thank you. Download the item. Then are placed on an email list just for that item. (I provide unlimited updates for my digital products).

For example:
I have 40 email lists on this "system". I email everyone a note. There are no duplicates sent out because someone night be on more than 1 of my lists.

I look forward to learning about programs that would help me do this. That won't cost an arm/leg.

Thanks much

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  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Here's a recent comparison of some shopping carts you may not have heard of:

    However, there are many free shopping cart software packages:,,, and
  • Posted byexcelliraon Accepted
    Zen Cart is free, open source software that has digital download functionality built in. There are also plugins available to further aid functionality in many respects.

    Magento is a new, promising cart. There are so many carts out there. Some are good from a cart standpoint and some are good from an SEO standpoint but few are good at both so caveat emptor.

    Other than the digital download functions what else are you looking to do?

    Best Regards,

    Greg Hill
    Trinity Search Engine Marketing
  • Posted on Accepted

    I use a program called Digishop
    The nice thing is it's a one time price, no monthly fees. I plugged it into the Paypal Pro system but you can use it with a merchant account as well. It supports digital downloads and newsletters and I like it a lot.
    The downside is it's not easy to setup all of that, along with an SSL certificate and the rest. The monthly fee ones do all that for you. Be sure to install it within 30 days or you have to pay extra for support.

    The reason I went with them is it has another thing called keyword tracking, this tracks what keywords people use to find your site, and more importantly, when they buy something it records to a report which keywords brought in the sales. This is like a gold mine because it shows what keywords translate into purchases, and with pay per clicks that makes a huge difference being able to dump the non performing ones. Also the fact that I'm not paying $50 a month for something I can buy outright like this. Look 5-10 years down the road of monthly fees and you can see how it adds up.

    I think it was $350, but if you get it installed in 30 days they provide tech support the first month. Just get the domain hosted on a decent host, if it's cheapo hosting your Mysql database will timeout too often when using a cart. Also get your SSL and Paypal Pro (or merchant account gateway) setup ahead of time so you can get the cart installed using the included support or it gets expensive.

    If you want to see it we have it running at
  • Posted on Author

    I want it integrated with an auto-responder + follow up + newsletter system.

    That would allow me to have an email list per product, which is what I want. Plus my weekly ezine + I'd like to create a quote of the day or week list, too (and cut my weekly ezine to 2x a month)

    I'd also like to NOT have my current subscribers re-subscribe which is what Aweber makes you do.

    Of course, tracking links, handling bounces and all the usual CAn Spam features, too.

    It would be nice if the shopping cart part would allow others to use a code that would lower the fee of a product when I do that. Right now I have to create a duplicate of the product and give it the new price OR go into the product area and change the price and then remember to change it back when the discount is over.

    If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.

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