
Topic: Customer Behavior

Marketing Activities Contributes To Pollution

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
“我的意见,“营销”“是many activities which causes Environmental Pollution. 1. Pamphlets distributed to the public which are thrown back to the soil - Causes Soil Pollution 2. Replacement of trees with Hoardings - Causes Air Pollution 3. Loud Speakers in the Public - Causes Noise Pollution 4. Obscene Scenes in TV Advertisements - Pollutes our mind.

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  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Member
    You know Sammie, when you make outlandish statements like this, ones that have a negative affect on real efforts to potect the environment, you should at least fill out your profile.

  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    1) Only the bad ones get thrown out

    2) Yeah..this makes a lot of sense...unless you'd rather we didn't replace trees that are cut down. Of course then the lumber companies would be out of business and would lay off people who couldn't afford to eat so there'd be no one to buy food so the food companies would lay off people so they coulnd't buy anything and soon the whole world would be one great big happy place because no more trees would be replanted.

    3) I heard these used in Japan during an election a few years ago. I'm 49 years old. Never heard one prior to that or since

    4) If a tree falls in the forest........seriously I don't see them 'cause I don't watch them. AND most of the political pap is more mind pollution than the commercials.


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