
Topic: Branding

Measuring Rebranding Effectiveness

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am working for one of the Cement majors in India which has recently undergone a Re branding exercise. In a bid to understand the effectivess of rebranding, we are planning to conduct a MR survey. I would like to get some guidance on the points to keep in mind while going for such a MR...
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  • Posted byilanon Member
    Here are some points:
    1. Do customers think of my brand first when considering the category
    2. What do customers think and feel when my brand is mentioned
    3. How likely are customers to use me after hearing my brand name
    4. What kind of associations does my brand bring when mentioned

    There are a million other questions, but I don't know your brand, and the differences from the original brand prior to the rebranding.
  • 贴在 Author
    Hi Ilan and D4!

    Thanks a lot for your responses.

    Ilan, what you have suggested are very generic points for any brand, and what I was looking for were ponits of reference when an already known and strong brand has been rebranded. What I was looking at was whther the change has been effective, and how the performance of the company has been after rebranding.

    D4, I feel that you are a bit out of line in assuming that the firm did not go through a research before the change. A country-wide research was done prior to the change, and we came up with the current name, logo and tagline after that. What we want to know now is the effcetive ness of our communication strategies, whther people recognize that the new brand is actually the same old product, and how the brand is doing post the change.

    I have been able to frame a questionnaire for my research after going through some material, and would be starting my data collection soon, based on that.
  • 贴在 Member
    heloo i am doing a research on hotel rebranding, i would like to collect some data through questionnaires to prove that re-branding a hotel can improve sales,service delivery and customer satisfaction. i need help on compiling questions to cover this three points( improved service delivery,customer satisfaction and sales). my intention is to have three questionnaires which will be completed by management,staff members and customers of that re-branded hotel. kindly help me with a guide on this questions.
  • Posted by遗传算法ry Bloomeron Member
    Sales. Sales. And sales.

    If rebranding has brought in more business, your rebranding wins a prize. If sales have not increased, your rebranding does not win a prize.

    遗传算法ry Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Princeton, NJ, USA

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