
Topic: Strategy

Need Ideas For The Sales Ppt

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am creating a B2B sales PPT presentation. Does anyone know any guidelines to create effective content?
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    Here are a few of my own guidelines...
    1) graphic symbols speak louder than words...
    2) colors used effectively can focus attention
    3) minimize the use of fancy transitions
    4) simple is better

    I always suggest a team review prior to giving any presentation....
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the responses,

    I am particularly interested in the flow of contents like;

    - introducing the corporation
    - introducing industry we take part
    - listing the solutions
    - comparing the competitors...

    如果有一个st effective flow,


  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Member
    As Steven Covey says, "Begin with the end in mind". What is the purpose of this presentation? To sell something, teach something? Always remember the "what's in it for me"-- base your presentations on solutions that are all about them.

    When designing the powerpoint, choose slides as talking points-- not something you read from. I use quotes, statistics that validate what I am saying. PPT can make your presentation stronger -- or turn people off or put them to sleep. That doesn't mean flash vs content. I agree with previous posters-- minimize the flashy transitions.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Member
    In response to your note-- What I would add to your PPT above is the call to action. You need a conclusion -- what you want the attendees to take away and do next.

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