
Topic: E-Marketing

What Is The Best Email Marketing Suite To Buy?

Posted byAlphadeltaon 250 Points
We are a small company about to launch our web site and are looking for a cost effective email marketing software that we can integrate into our web asite to catch emails and then genreate email campaigns to existing customers.

Approx emails to customers base each month will not exceed 4000. Welcome advice here on all aspects
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I've looked at a lot of them for our company and our members, this is the one I recommend: it to compare to all others you look at, if you find a better value for small business, please post it here.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    I heartily recommend Constantcontact.
    They make email opt ins very easy and offer a wide range of features for next to nothing.
  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi CPaul,

    I have been at this for a few years and while there are many email marketing solutions out there that will provide you more features such as integration with CRM solutions, I still believe Constant Contact is hard to beat for the price and the features.

    I also believe that as part of your due diligence, you need to check them out

    And yes, they are very cost-effective and will integrate very easily with your website.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted byTraceyon Accepted
    I've been using MailChimp and I really like it. I'm not sure if it's feature-rich enough for your needs, but it's worth checking out. Very inexpensive... like $30/month.
  • Posted bymelissa con Accepted
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE iContact! As Tracey said, I'm not sure if it fits your needs but the navigation makes it easy to use and they have always been super helpful when I've spoken to them over the phone. They also provide useful info about email marketing.

    Their price is reasonable and they've won some awards as well.

    Mel C
  • Posted byexcelliraon Member may be worth a look.
  • Posted byAlphadeltaon Author
    Ok guys thanks for all that. I am familiar with constantcontact but have noticed that i get a lot of bounce backs despite having the right email address, so I can only assume that constantcontact is blocked from their system as when i send using my own company email all is ok

    Also I want to avoid having any mention of the email system in my emails ie return address etc

    So open to further more detailed directions....anything?
  • Posted byNeilon Accepted
    I work for theStreamSend Email Marketingservice. We have a free trial so you can see if you like our interface, reporting, etc.

    We assign a private IP address to every paying customer. That is, our free trial users share an IP but if you upgrade you are assigned a private IP.

    What I would recommend is trying out a few services and choose the one that works best for you. Do a search for email marketing in google and do a few free trials so you can compare services for benefits, features, and price.
  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    I have been doing extensive research on email service providers recently, and I must say that I am impressed with the product thathttps://www.streamsend.comoffers.

    When researching these companies, I have a pretty detailed list of things that I am looking for, and StreamSend's solution appears to be a very good value. Granted, it does not have *everything* that I would like to have, but for the price, I think it's worthy of your consideration.

    Things that are missing:

    1. A dynamically generated Web version that is an exact replica of what the recipient would have received (the variable content does not render, and links are not tracked). For many people, this is not a huge deal. It's not a deal-breaker for us.

    2. Can not apply an easy to recognize name to tracked links (seems to be the norm these days, but we currently have that elsewhere...nice feature).

    3. No RSS support.

    4. No content checker in application, but available through Habeas at a very attractive rate.

    5. No dynamic content ability. Probably not an issue for most mailers.

    6. No conversion tracking within the application. Can tie in to Google Analytics, but not within the application (like Bronto can).

    7. Does not currently support A/B tests, but that feature is coming soon.

    我应该说,我不认为你能找到一个溶胶ution that offers all or most of these things without getting into an enterprise-level solution (like the one we currently use) at a cost of well over $1,000 per month.

    Things that are great:

    1. Price. Really good value.

    2. Each account gets its own IP address at no extra cost.

    3. Insanely discounted access to Habeas and its toolset (content checker and content preview ability across major email clients).

    4. Availability of an API.

    I know it looks like my "cons" outnumber my "pros," but for the average email marketer, StreamSend will do what you need, and the GUI is pleasant and simple.

    You can take StreamSend for a free 30-day test spin (200-message maximum) by going to their site.

    For the money, I'm not sure what else comes close. I do agree that, for the money, AWeber is also worth looking into.

    I am not able to recommend Constant Contact as a result of what I believe to be impaired deliverability.

    As always, YMMV.

    - Paul

    Disclosure: Although StreamSend and Inbox Interactive do not do business together as of today, we are likely to add them to our partner/vendor list soon. I gain nothing, however, by seeing the OP sign up with them, setting aside the remote possibility that StreamSend sends me flowers.
  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    It looks like Neil and I are both tapping away at the same time. :)
  • Posted byAlphadeltaon Author
    Paul, thanks for that I did not realise the importance of a private IP address.

    Are there any other other issues that I should STRESS as important when selecting an email provider?

    You say that "A dynamically generated Web version that is an exact replica of what the recipient would have received (the variable content does not render, and links are not tracked). "

    Does this mean that

    1. because you uploaded to web and attached url via provider that tracking links are not operable

    2. You cannot guarantee that the variable data will be correct as a result?

    Great response and thanks...anybody else got comments onwww.sendstream.comthat I should be aware of?

  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    Are there any other other issues that I should STRESS as important when selecting an email provider?

    The important factors are (1) does the solution do what you want it to do and (2) does the mail get delivered.

    If you've already done some email marketing, then you probably have a good idea as to what you like or need and what you wish you could do (everyone has a wish list).

    There's not much different about what most of these services can do, especially at the lower end of the price spectrum. The basics are going to be present with almost all of them: upload a list, get code to capture email addresses on your site, bring in email content for distribution, test, send, get reporting, etc.

    The opportunity for differentiation, in my view, comes in deliverability.

    You say that "A dynamically generated Web version that is an exact replica of what the recipient would have received (the variable content does not render, and links are not tracked). "

    Does this mean that

    1. because you uploaded to web and attached url via provider that tracking links are not operable

    2. You cannot guarantee that the variable data will be correct as a result?

    I'm not sure what you mean.

    Some services provide a Web version of the email that you generate, and then you can put a link to that Web version in your text and HTML versions so that people can read their email on the Web in case it's not rendering correctly in their email client.

    ("Trouble reading this email? Read it on the Web.")

    If you use any personalization in the email or any other dynamic content, it's nice for the Web version to reflect that. In addition, it's nice for the tracking links and even the open-rate pixel to be just as they would be in the recipient's email. In other words, the Web version is an exact replica of what the recipient would get as an HTML email, meaning that personalization, link tracking, and open tracking are all 100% functional.

    StreamSend does not offer this.

    Having said that, the percentage of recipients who will click the link for the Web version is usually very, very small, so it's a pretty minor negative.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted byNeilon Member
    Alphadelta, one small correction: It isStreamSendrather than"sendstream", which I what i think you put in the URL above.

    Paul, thanks for your honest assessment of our strengths and weaknesses. Most appreciated.
  • Posted byexcelliraon Accepted
    Dedicated IP is ideal but you want to verify if that IP has not been blacklisted. StreamSend probably has a solution to that issue but it is worth mentioning.

    Trinity Search Engine Marketing
  • Posted byNeilon Member
    Greg, good point. We assign a fresh IP to each customer but I agree that it is good to check those things out.
  • Posted byLorenz Lammenson Accepted $5 per email campaign and 1 cent for each recipient you send that campaign to. For a small business with a tight budget it is the best value considering the reporting vs. cost ratio. It will tell you how many people opened the email, what links they clicked on, allow you to personalize the email and literally let's you import a HTML file, allowing you to design it they way you want your email to look.

    It is not the most comprehensive email tracking service, but it is a great start for small businesses and will really help you gain an insight in what content your prospects are interested in vs what they’ll discard. It will also help you to segment your email database in a dramatic way.
  • Posted byAlphadeltaon Author
    Really useful info here and I am still learning;

    On Streamsend can you upload html email like Lorenz mentioned?

    Streamsend looking best so far. I am prepared to increase the budget if there is a better system

    Now when I originally posted this Post it stated that I would reward 2750 points....I made some mistake along the way when buying extra points and advised admin.

    They subsequently changed the point value...However as some of you made postings based on points that I awarded I will advise admin to add back the points...I think this is fair!

    More comments still welcome...
  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    You can build from scratch, import a file, or even import from a URL if the file has been posted.

    As far as budget, you can always spend more, but I don't know what you could be missing that is worth spending more on, and you'll probably have to increase your spend 10-20X to get it.

    I would not worry about the points. No one here is really in it for the points, and 250 is a fair number for a question such as this. Of course, that's only my opinion.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I have used Send Studio by Interspire
  • Posted byNeilon Accepted

    You can upload but one of my favorite features of StreamSend is thefetchfeature.

    That is where you post your email newsletter to a URL such something.

    Then you copy and paste the URL into the fetch box, clickfetch, and it fetches in a copy of your newsletter, including graphics. The graphic links are adjusted so we are hosting the images and so on. You now have an email. Click the preview to take a look at it and maybe send off to a small test list to make sure it looks nice and you like the reporting, etc.

    如果你喜欢这项服务,您可以点击升级upgrade to the service level you need. Our service is flexible so you can upgrade, downgrade, or even cancel any time you want.

    In addition, if you have list to upload, the best format is tab-delimited text format. For example, if your list is in Excel, go toSave Asand chooseText file (tab-delimited). Many databases can directly export into a tab-delimited text format. We have found this format to be more rock solid reliable thanCSV(comma separated) format.

    We provide anunsubscribelink at the bottom of the email automatically. We verify you are using a valid email address. That sort of thing to be in compliance with the law. However, per law, no matter which service you end up choosing, don't forget to include yourphysical postal addressin all your emails. Our system reminds people to do it but I thought it worth mentioning here, too.

    You can change the position of the unsubscribe link from the bottom to somewhere else. That is one of the uses ofmail merge, though personalizing emails and providing a web link to the newsletter are probably more common uses of this feature. You make want to check out ourKnowledge Basefor that and other useful information. If you are considering us, it might be worth browsing our Knowledge Base.

    By the way, we have recently developed an emailDeliverability Webinar, which teaches how to maximize email delivery. We offer live sessions (great if you want to ask questions along the way) and recorded sessions to watch and listen to at your leisure. At the moment, the Webinar is only available to customers.

  • Posted byNeilon Accepted
    I forgot to mention for building your list you can very easily put an email mailing list or newsletter sign up form on your Web site.

    You can do more sophisticated integration with databases and so on with the StreamSendApplication Programming Interface (API). The API is well documented but does require some programming experience to use.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Lots of resources and ideas here...

  • Posted byflangeron Accepted
    Try really works and not expensive! I use it for a year and have good profits now.
  • Posted on Accepted
    For most small (or very small) businesses with a list under 5,000 people I have found Constant Contact to be the most appropriate solution.

    Here is an article I wrote about6 Tips When Picking an Email Marketing Provider
  • Posted on Accepted

    Hope all is well.This is Mark with OptinBuilders. We are an online marketing firm and we would be able to help you in this email campaign. It is possible to track all the information like the click throughs, responses. leads, etc

    Opt-in email campaign: - List rental based on your specific target market. We will undertake the entire campaign management right from designing, planning and positioning the campaign. With this you can track down details like leads, clicks, email response and opens. All we need is the content for the HTML template and we will undertake the entire campaign management.

    The client would be given a unique Username and a Password and they can login anytime on their convenience to view the live performance of the Campaign. This will help them in knowing:

    1) Number of clicks, leads, email responses and reviews (view the details with contact name, business name, telephone number and email address)
    2) Details and time
    3) Number of unsubscribe
    4) The client can download/ export the above either in Excel or Word format at their convenience.

    Also, view the demo of our nine yards of our Real-Time Email Campaign Tracking by logging in to our website with following user name and password

    Username: demo
    Password: open2007

    Please revert back to me incase if you need any further information.

    Also, Could you help me with your contact information so that I can take you through our email campaign tracking platform.
  • Posted byAlphadeltaon Author
    Ok thank you to everybody for responding, lots of food for thought and some great reference site too!!

    Thank you all...I'm closing this question now

  • Posted byflangeron Member
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