
Topic: Strategy

Ideas For A Presentation/present Product To Hotels

Posted byMKTon 125 Points
I own a small swimwear company and I would like to get my products into some hotel chains’ boutiques. In order to get an appointment with the Purchasing Manager I need to send a presentation or some information about my company and products.

I know I should not include the pricing and payment terms so they have an excuse to call me, I’m thinking on company history and product highlights.

Can you guys give me some ideas on what to include on the presentation to make it appealing/saleable?

Thank you very much for your help!!
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted about your company AND anything that indicates you deserve special attention:

    1) Locally owned
    2) Minority interest
    3) Protected territory
    4) Current demand/sales

  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    I would figure out how to monetize the prospects of selling your products. In other words, what can they expect in sales? What has been your record of accomplishment so far and so on?

    For instance “XYZ boutique sold out of my three most popular styles in less than a week.” Send testimonials if possible. Of course, you need photos of the suits on models. Once you have a good package together, you can use it for the template.
  • Posted byMKTon Author
    我非常感谢你的回答,我真的很喜欢mbarrett presentation idea and I'll use T_squared, michael and Harry Hallman ideas for the collateral material (brochures, fact sheets etc).

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