
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Unique Tagline / Financial Services

Posted byheidibisbeeon 250 Points
I had created some tag lines for a client who deals in Financial Services, but he is not grabbing at any of them.

He has a "Shield" in his logo, and so it was be nice to have something to do with PROTECTING OR SHIEDLING, or at least something to relate to his logo.

It should be simple but "catchy," and because he is not enthused about the ones I have come up worth so far, I am stumped! HELP!
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  • Posted byJonas_2.0on Accepted
    Securing your financial future
    Protecting your financial future
    Guarding your assets since
    Securing and growing your assets since
    Guarding your financial future since
    Protecting your financial future
    Guarding your future
    Securing your future
    Protecting your future
    Safeguarding your financial future

    In general, saying a firm will protect, or shield, or guard finances can be a bit problematic legally because its promissory by nature. You can get around this by adding the word "Helping" to just about any of the above.

    Hope that helps...

  • Posted on Accepted
    These are just shots in the dark since I can't possibly know your client as well as you do, but I hope they get you thinking:

    Your money, your world. Protect it with ____.
    The Power to Do More, the Experience to Do it Right.
    The Right Place to Put your Money

    Here's a database of taglines used by some big-name banks, they might give you an idea...
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Member
    Financial protection even after the election
  • Posted on Member
    I would have to ask... which financial services field? CPA (etc), insurance, financial planning? Knowing that information will help.

    Has he/she give you a benefits list? And a list of what they bring to the company that is somewhat unique? OR what promises do that make? That's usually my first course of action :)

    Words that come to mind regarding shield, protection etc are:
    defense, badge, covering. And these from
    guard, preserve, protect, safeguard, secure, security.

    你也可以尝试视觉thesaurus, too.

  • Posted byheidibisbeeon Author
    Thanks for all the great advice. The legality issue was especially helpful, and not something I had thought of. I just joined, and think this is a great tool.
