
Topic: Branding

Need Fun Give-a-way Item For Segway Team

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are going to have segways branded with our logo riding around in the city where there are a lot of people at any given time. We are going to hand out fliers with our member benefits and a link to join (for tracking).

My question is what item could we hand out to the people the segway team is approaching. Need to spend 50 cents or less on each item. One idea was m&m's with our tagline included with each flyer. But the concern is people won't look at the tagline or website. They will just eat them... and its not a keep sake time- like a pen or a toy that stays around.

1. Would you rather have a handful of m&m's or a envelop opener or other promo item?
2. Do you think m&m candy is a cool enough novelty item?

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  • Posted byLevonon Member
    With the most critical eye - rolling around on Segways handing out calories is not the healthiest message in a day and age when it is really trendy to pretend you care about the environment and to champion good health. I wonder if you could hand out mini snack packs of carrots with a message that says - "eat these carrots" and be a healthier you" -- sort of a pay it forward gesture. I wonder what it is you sale - I think it would be easier to strategize off of less assumption and generalization. You could ask a manufacturer of carrots or raisins to JV with you.
  • Posted on Member
    We need some more information to be helpful to you.
    It is not clear whether you are trying to market Segways or something else. The giveaway must be memorably tied to your product or message not to the chance meeting along the road.

    I use a lot of giveaways effectively and will try to give you some ideas after I understand what you sell or do.
  • Posted on Accepted

    A ball imprinted with your brand?
    Something that rolls?

    A little hand held pinball type of game?

    Have an online contest and they win a ride on a Segway.

  • Posted byL. Dugganon Accepted
    I just did a post on my blog ( "Just Give Them Something to Talk About" that deals with this. I love the Segway idea it will certainly generate word of mouth. The advertising specialty items you provide should be consistent with and reflective of your product, brand or service. Work with your specialty provider as they have thousands of items to choose from.

    What is it that you want the advertising specialty items to accomplish and how will it support your marketing objectives. Be strategic in you decision making. It may be better to opt for quality instead of quantity. So instead of buying a lot of items to give away at a low price, think in terms of fewer higher quality items.

    I would also get video of the Segways riding around and getting people's reaction to it and then post it on your website. You could even e-mail the link to prospects as well. Use the event as a way to gain attention. You may not even need the items if you can use the event as the word of mouth generator.
    Good luck!

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    电子邮件我off-forum。我的一个同事是一个实验ert at give-aways and enjoys providing lots of great ideas.

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