
Topic: Branding

Tips For A New Wine Bar

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need tips to attract customers to a wine bar, that works with a consumer card system. People will carry a card that can be loaded with money, and then walk all over the place passing the card in machines and receiving glasses of wine. Basically is a wine by the glass bar.
Also I would like to receive names for the bar.
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  • Posted on Member
    I'm not sure what your position is, meaning what would attract wine lovers to your bar. Is it the swipe/card system? I think if this is your main focus, the novelty will wear off at some point.

    Who is your target customer for this bar? If they're college kids (early to mid 20-somethings) this might have some staying power. Older folks who are more versed with wine might be a little more discriminating.

    I would focus more on perhaps featuring exotic wines and beverages from around the world. I'm sure there are importers that can direct you to a more unique product mix.

  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    With the ability to purchase wine by the glass, I would emphasize that people could sample a variety of wines in your store as they learn what features please their palates instead of invest in bottles of wine they may not like. This works well with segments of society that have demonstrated a desire to learn more about wines, thanks to influences through the media (movies, dedicated columns, etc.). The store is a good concept for a variety of ages if they are interested in wines, and may prove to be a popular place for parties or an alternative to the dinner-and-a-movie night out. (Are you based in Florida, by chance?)
  • Posted byNeilon Member
    I am a wine lover and, though I do not speak for all wine lovers by any means, I would not be interested in a special card like that.

    I am interested in the wine. One of the best things you can do to attract people to your wine shop is to have regular wine tastings.

    Where I live, many wine shops have a wine tasting every Friday night. There is a theme (e.g., Rhone Valley reds) and a flight of wines to try. Then you can purchase premium pours of additional wines by the glass.

    One wine shop I know has a wine tasting on Friday and Saturday.

    These events almost always have great turnout and people often leave with a bottle of wine they purchased. This is a great way to increase customer loyalty.

    But ditch the cards and just let people pay the way they want. Why create distractions?
  • Posted byLevonon Member
    There are so many people that get the wine thing wrong. Whether it is holding the glass wrong or tasting it wrong. People are also intimidated by wine. I would have a wine aprreciation / education event series at your location -- in order to spark new customers.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Focus on drinkers who just want to taste wine, and not get into wine snobbery ("they know what they like"). For each wine that is dispensed, have a comment guide where tasters can write down their thoughts/score (to warn people off, or to describe it in their terms).

    Wine With No Story
    Simply Wine
    Quick, Give Me A Glass Of Wine
    Grape Expectations
  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    This is an area in which I have considerable experience having successfully built a large wine import and distribution business on a national level. Many restaurants, clubs and wine bars were of course my customers and I saw the best rise and the worst fail.

    You have given almost no detail about your concept, size of the establishment, target audience, type of wine on offer etc. This is critical. Are you aiming for a wealthy upscale audience with top class Bordeaux wines? or a middle income white collar worker level; bankers, lawyers, stock brokers etc?

    The number one item on your agenda has to be LOCATION. With respect to bars and especially wine bars, location is 85% of your success or failure. Never underestimate the power of location.

    The card gimmick is nonsense, drop it as soon as possible, just focus on what is important in this order.

    1. Location
    2. Location
    3.伟大的服务(sta这意味着您的服务ff have to know about the wine they are selling).
    4. Nice selections of wines from low to high end
    5. ambiance, comfortable and chic but no need to be gimmicky.

    Try to read as many wine books and magazines as possible and try to get inside the psyche of wine drinkers to understand what the want and what they care about.

    It is definitely not swipe cards :)

    They want good wine, served and stored well (that is always tough with by the glass bars, be sure to have nitrogen system).

    They want knowledgeable staff who can recommend a nice wine and get it right.

    I have plenty more ideas and experience so feel free to contact me if you need a sounding board :)

    matthewanxa at gmail

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