
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Hr (employment Emphasis) Team

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all,

I'm a supervisor in the employment division of a public sector human resources office. We serve two customers: our applicants and our hiring departments that are need of highly qualified candidates. We perform employment related functions including job analysis, recruitment, testing and selection, certification, classification and marketing/outreach.

Currently, each staff member is highly specialized in one area which has created communication, accountability and cross-training problems to name a few. Staff lack the "big picture" and have no understanding of what the others do yet they are dependent on them. Since this isn't an efficient or productive way of doing business, we are undergoing an organizational redesign to move staff into a "pod" concept. We will have four pods or teams that are collocated, cohesive and self-contained.

My boss loves the idea but hates the name "pod". I'd like something more interesting, exciting and fun than the plain and traditional "team" or "unit". It still has to be somewhat professional but I really want the staff to be excited about the idea and create a whole theme around the introduction of this new structure. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    怎么样的Task Centred Groups' (TCGs). I have used this term for group work in a training environment and I think it describes what it is/does quite clearly. Good Luck.
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    Full Circles
    Business Blocks
  • Posted on Member

    How about you name the groups as squads or family in the name of the leader or on the basis of their position in the big picture- like the recruitment staff can be called as the Hunters...and so on. This way, everybody would know everyone else's part in the Big picture.

    I like the intention behind making it more interesting for the staff.

    All the Best!!
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Animal-inspired groups (tagging onto Preeti's "hunters"):
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Talent Management Teams (or Groups)
    Talent Program Teams (Groups)
    Human Capital Management Teams
  • Posted on Member
    swarms [maybe a bit negative]
    flock [of seagulls!]
    gangs [also a bit dark]
    pride [of lions?]

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