
Topic: Student Questions

Mba Or Design School?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm a young marketing professional with a BA in International Relations. With no formal marketing training, I've managed to make a living as a freelance communications consultant for the past four years. I'm a good writer and can confidently design (simple) web pages, e-newsetters, and print brochures and newsletters.

I've just moved to Paris and would really like to work for an ad agency or marketing service where I could get some experience and wouldn't have to be a jack of all trades. The only problem is that I don't have an advanced degree. So what should I do... get an MBA, get a Master's in Design? Does anyone know of any strong programs (US or European) that offer a combination of business and technical / studio training?

Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    MBA, in the long run you will make more money. My personal belief is you don't need a Master's in design, you need experience and talent.

    Of course, if you are a person who loves art, graphics and the visual creative process then follow what you love. Unless you are going to teach, I don't believe a masters will help you. Instead, get experience. Take the money you would spend on school and use it to get live while you intern.

    This is just my opinion and I am sure you will get many differing opinions. You will have to decide. I suggest only that you follow your passion.
  • Posted byjcasalouon Accepted
    An MBA has a much higher ceiling in terms of career possibilities. A master's in design is going to limit you.

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