
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Make-up Artist/ Energetic Healer.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a make-up Artist who works in photographic, Film/Tv, and fashion. I also facilitate a seminar called "inside out Beauty", which works on busting and building image from the inside out, combining both make-up and metaphysics. I am an energetic healer too. I want to combine all my services onto one business card and
I am looking for a tagline, or a few words that are simple and to the point which captures the essence of the above. I am excellent at 'Hands on' work but not so great at ideas for a tagline. Have you got any brilliant ideas that come to mind???
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Hi, Nicole. It sounds like your talents can really help people project a great image ... both from their physical appearance and from their inner expression and demeanor.

    A few questions for developing your tagline:

    First, WHY do you want the tagline? What will be different when you have it? How will you use it, and why is it important to you?

    Next, do you have a name for your business? If we come up with a tagline that simply repeats your company name, it's not much good, right?

    Third, what are you trying to communicate with the tagline? What is the compelling benefit promise that will make a difference to your target audience? (Don't list features; focus on the most important benefit ... What's in it for the customer -- self confidence?)

    Fourth, can you be more precise about your prime target audience? Where is the "sweet spot" for your service? What geographic area? What size company? Individuals or corporate clients? Male or female? Who is the decision-maker?

    Next, how are people going to learn about you? Have you thought about your marketing plan? If you're going to place ads in a local paper, that's a lot different than if you're going to rely on word-of-mouth. If you're premium priced, that will lead you to a different approach than if you're pricing is competitive. Etc.

    Finally, how are you going to know when we come up with the winning tagline? What are the criteria? If you can define that, there's a chance we can help you.

    If this is a really important project for you, and you're committed to coming up with a tagline, let me suggest you go to911 Marketing Helpand click onTagline Factoryat the bottom of the screen. You'll have to pay an affordable consulting fee, but you'll be assured that some real professionals are on the case for you.

    如果您可以提供专家的口号工厂with answers to the questions above, you'll get a list of on-target taglines within a day or two. (Some of the experts are actually in Australia, too!)

    Note that 911 Marketing Help is a service of MarketingProfs.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Beauty Grown Daily
    Looking Good/Feeling Better
  • Posted byLevonon Member
    "In & Out Beauty"
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    From the Inside Out
    Realizing Your Beauty from the Inside Out
    Portraying Your Inner Beauty
    Helping Portray Your Inner Beauty

    These could all be attached to your company name. Do you have a company name?

    Hope this helps.


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