
Topic: Strategy

Direct Mail For C-level Suite?

Posted byaaroncagenon 25 Points
My target is C-level execs. Does direct mail work for this demographic? If so, in what capacity?

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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    Sure it works. I'd send only Priority Mail or Fed Ex, though.

    Also depends on what size company, as at many larger companies these executives do not open their own mail, so you'd be wasting your time on an expensive method.

  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    Maybe he is deciding whether to use FedEx...for "when it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."

  • Posted on Accepted

    In my experience, the most effective direct mail campaign for C-Level Executives is the old-fashion, hand-written note. I worked with an organization recently where we were able to get a 50% hit-rate with this approach. 50% of these folks remembered the card and agreed to schedule an on-site meeting.

    Obviously, the cost per sale is high due to the time spend researching the company and executive and then writing a very thoughtful note.

    The notes contained a very specific reference to some news regarding the prospect (a new product release, acquisition....). This showed that we did our homework and were very serious about their business. Secondly, the notes said that a sales rep would be calling to schedule an on-site meeting.

    Again, this approach takes the most effort, but provides the biggest reward.

    John Haydon
    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted byCarrie Frickeron Accepted
    I definitely agree about delivery method, a priority delivery will get attention and will certainly be opened. I also recommend careful list selection and testing. Testing creative, delivery method and list segments/sources will give you plenty of good information to determine what is working (or not). Good luck!
  • Posted on Accepted

    The only way you will know what to send, how to send it, what shape, post card, Fedex etc... is to test. What works for someone else does not mean it will work for you.

    B2B direct marketing represents 48% of all dollars spent on direct mail, so it must be working.

    The beauty of DM is that it is traceable and you can test many components of you DM piece to improve response rates.

    The keys to success is to find the right companies to get you started off on the right foot. Hire someone who is experienced in writing DM pieces and a graphic artist. A good list broker and mail house.

    I can not answer what will work for you but I can tell you what some of my clients have been doing to reach this market.

    One client is a tech company and we started off doing a m-channel campaigns. Postal, email and telemarketing.
    Once the message was refined we drop the postal side and then the telemarketing. They only use email now to drive in leads.

    Other tech clients are using a combo of email & DM. I have seen a big drop over the last few years in telemarketing.

    If you need referrals let me know. I have a large database of companies I work with that can help you at different levels.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you


  • Posted byaaroncagenon Author
    We market IT outsourcing services primarily to non-technical C-level execs at small-midsize orgs.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Direct mail does work for this area. In order to be successful you need to solve a pain or communicate what can happen if you are not protected etc..

    On a side note, you should join a BNI group in your area. The guy in our group does great. We have 26 members, many are small business owners and do a lot of networking to bring in business. I just referred BNI to a guy on linkedin in the same business and he emailed me that he is getting business already and thanked me.
    Each group has their own personality so visit a few before you join one.

    Good Luck


  • Posted byaaroncagenon Author
    谢谢你汤姆。你能把t-marke多久ting and mailings? What did you do to achieve this?

    In what industry did you get a 50% hit-rate?

  • Posted on Member

    I can not give the clients name because that would not be ethical, but it was a technology company.
    They are a house hold name and they have brand recognition like Coke.

    I have found that brand recognition in email and telemarketing to be very important. Postal as well.
    They were able to drop telemarketing after about a year.

    I don't agree with their decision because a well balanced marketing approach is key. Who's to say in a year from now telemarketing will be back in? Now you have to learn the channel all over again. It is the same when email came out. Everyone dropped mail and went into email.

    If you know your geographic reach, figure out how you can be the brand of choice within your target audience.
    PR, DM, adv and networking.

    Do you have an active Chamber of Commerce in the area? I think this would be your target audience? Networking does take more time to develop but the relationships you build keeps growing. After you meet someone that could be a prospect or referral partner meet with them over coffee for 15 minutes. Do the same with your existing database.

    I feel a combination of these actives will reduce the number of cold call you will need to make over time.

    I would be happy to discuss this with you over the phone. No sale pitch on DM. I have a givers gain motto.
    I will be out of the office until Friday of next week so just send me an email when we can meet.

    Thank you


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