
Topic: Student Questions

Help With Market Guru Analysis

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I was hoping someone could please help me with a quick question on some or all of the following marketing gurus

in your opinion how do these gurus' strategies below rate in terms of orientation and animation

(some strategies tend to become to bogged down in exacting orientation: all planning and no animation or action)

Harold Fox
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Charls Hofer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Philip Kotler
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Charles Wasson
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

thank you very much for doing this


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  • Posted on Accepted
    Why dont u make a questionnaire online (it can be done for free) and then give the link? Should be helpful for people
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    Animation? You should have Walt Disney, Chuck Jones and Tex Avery in your list. ;]
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    I agree with jasginder. If you are a marketing student you should probably become accustomed to some of the cool survey tools available on the web.
  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Accepted
    I’m sorry that you are not getting the answers I think you hoped for. That is because you have not framed the question in a manner which is rigorous enough for the experts here to offer you their opinions, without committing the cardinal sin of inventing figures.

    I hope none the less that this reply will be helpful in your studies.

    Firstly, you need to set out agreed definitions of the two parameters you seek an opinion on. Without stating this clearly, you will get 320,000 differing interpretations of orientation and animation. This is enough to render your survey invalid, even if everyone piled in to answer.

    Once you have defined the variables, you then need to put the questions in survey form, using one of the many free tools you can access, such as SurveyMonkey.

    In addition to this, you need to get the answers on definable aspects of the guru’s position. If you let the respondents make up their own conclusions, without setting out the framework for an answer, you will be in receipt of a “1” for a given marketing guru whilst another of our experts would score him with “9”

    This is because there are many facets to these giants of the industry and colleagues will respond according to their own specialism. This is fine if it is what you are looking for, but without asking a further question such as “What aspect of marketing do you most closely associate with guru xyz?” it renders the result meaningless.

    That will give you a narrative result which is neigh on impossible to analyse, so you would be best served by outlining the major activity areas you associate with each guru and asking respondents to offer their animation and orientation scores based on the most significant facet for the respondent.

    For example, I would have views on some of these in my speciality area of CRM, Forecasting and Sales Management Practice. If the guy is seen by me mainly to be in branding, then I have few opinions to offer.

    Back to the drawing board I’m afraid, but we’re only looking at a couple of hours work here to get this right.


    Steve Alker

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