
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Market A Community Portal From A Start

发布的desmondon 250 Points

I am in the process of developing a local comprehensive guides which offer 3 different listing package. 1 is free listing with company, address, contact and email and premium listing is with logo, description, video, map and link to promotions. Featured will be the same as premium except it is been highlighted.

In the portal, apart from directory, i want merchant to contribute articles and advice vice versus from the community that need advice. I also wanted to have a forum.

My questions:
How to market the site and encourage sign u/ participation.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time in reading.


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  • 发布的AdsValueBobon Accepted
    From personal experience starting our local, 100% free, full-featured (2 video, 2 audio, 10 documents, 40+ fields of info, map, 3 press releases, 2 surveys, 2 URL links, etc) listing site for the Phoenix AZ area as you have described ( from scratch, I could fill your head with a thousand facts about your quest. Our site is also a portal for our ad agency offering many traditional and "specialty" ad services to help attract businesses to use the directory.

    First - your directory should be created with a specific niche market purpose in mind. If not - your shiny new general local directory will be overshadowed by "hundreds" of free directory sites and a few larger full-featured sites probably already serving your market (making an selfish assumption you're located in the US).

    第二个——除非你包装的目录worthless "phone book" listings to show something in your directory just starting out, people can't / won't use it because there's nothing even remotely useful in the directory. You could pay dearly for a company to call local businesses to populate listings but until you have a good cross section of listings on a category - you may be wasting time (hence why a niche market is more effective)

    Third - I haven't figured it out exactly but 1) either EVERYONE is too busy to fill out their listing, or 2) people are too lazy to fill out a listing beyond name and address, or 3) they feel that having another way for someone to find their business (search engine link and exposure) is not worth the trouble.

    . . . . . . . . .

    Twenty-Sixth - forums and article writing are great if you have a loyal following and/or search engine relevance. It takes time and lots of efforts unless you have a niche market and offer something others are not already offering

    Twenty-Seventh - as time goes on, paying for a listing is generally worthless since there are a few major free listings that populate big and small directories. This gets you some exposure and a hyperlink for inbound link purposes (which may become less effective as Google modifies their page rank algorithms). Also Google doesn't like the "same" information in 200 directory sites populated by automatic systems. Someone paying $35 - 150/month for a listing for top positioning promotions can be useful in a very competitive market but if your site has 3 plumbers listed - would you pay $50/moth for the top spot?

    Contact me offline (see profile) if you wish to bat around your ideas.


  • 发布的Jay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Work with your local Chamber of Commerce or community business development organization. Make your portal a part of their offering, and let them provide you with the listings.

    These days, it's easy to create a portal with off-the-shelf free software. The content is the key, and everyone's looking for it. Figure out WHY someone would want to create content for you (instead of any of the article banks, etc.) before launching your project.
  • 发布的Mikeeon Accepted
    The key is to give people a reason to visit. Your content needs to be something they can only get at your site. This is tough to do in this day and age. I do not know how well directories work as most things can just be Googled now a days. The directories that seem to work well are things like city search where they are entwined with something else like reviews

    If you have a forum you will have to get is jump started somehow. You may have to personally invite some contributors and get the topics flowing. People will not register and participate in a forum that is not already going. This is they tricky part. You really need to actively invite people and perhaps even bribe a few people to particiapte often. Once it gets going it can take on a life of its own. I think the point system that they have here is a really cool idea that gets people participating more. It taps into a competitive spirit that most people have.

  • 发布的Levonon Member
    Seems like the best way to get ideas is to visit the numerous social network sites out there and pull the best ideas from each of them. The only way you will get a large amount of users using your service is by offering something of high value for free with no strings attached (just like this very forum we are using right now - it is free and you are using it and loving it). A lot of start-ups don't get this concept - they launch applications that cost users to use. It is strange because I can't think of a single internet company that is hugely successful that charges for their main service. Google, Skype, Yahoo, Myspace, YouTube and Facebook all share this common thread. Understand it and be it!
  • Posted on Member
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    Come on out and join the community: participate, create and celebrate. There are festivals happening all around, there is fun for everyone.

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    Have fun, get involved, make new friends, do something new through, your Community Connection!

    Buzz Marketing
  • 发布的desmondon Author
    Thank you everyone for your contribution and ideas.

    The directory will display lists of company services (like yellowpages) and restricted only to my country. Google always do provide a lot of information but most of them might not from local or have to go through each site. Good service provided by the company might not be into SEO.

    To encourage consumer to use my directory, i will provide a free basic listing to all business owner. Business owner with more budget or required branding will pay more. But the bottom line, consumer should able to find what they want.

    The difficult part is, how to engage consumer's participation in forum. Point system seem like a good ideas.

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