
Topic: SEO/SEM

Leadbank Seo

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I signed up to a 3 year contract costing £400 / month with Blackpool Based SEO Company Leadbank over 7 months ago and they promised me top 10 positions on google for over 20 keywords. To date i have yet to see any results and cannot even get their MD to return my calls. Has anyone else had any experiences with leadbank?
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    I don't know the company, but no company can guarantee any position in any search engine for any keyword (setting aside the possibility that the company *is* the search engine, and setting aside PPC...we're talking about organic or natural search).

    First thing you do is cancel future payments. They have not performed, so it's not like you're just breaking a contract for no reasons.

    I doubt you will get any money back.

    Depending on how you paid (credit card?) and what the rules are there, perhaps you have some ways to seek a refund.

    Sorry that you were taken, but it appears to be the case.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Another person complained here://
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    I would stop any future payments and chalk it up to a lesson learned.
  • Posted byexcelliraon Accepted
    While I'm not defending Leadbank, 7 months may seem like a long time but if the terms are highly competitive it can take that much time or more to achieve results.

    What concerns me is that your calls are not being returned.

    The questions I have are:

    1. Are they providing you with status reports?

    2. What work has been completed as of this date?

    3. Have your traffic volume and conversion rates increased during the engagement? I generally benchmark a client's site at campaign inception in order to monitor our performance. It helps us to prove our value to the client and it helps the client calculate their ROI.

    If they've done nothing or have failed to communicate what they've done and refuse to respond to your calls and emails you should speak with an attorney to help you decide which action is best for you.


    Greg Hill
    Trinity Search Engine Marketing

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