
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Wholesaler Of Toners,printers,inks Etc

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are a new business in need of a tag line. Our company name is STI (supplies, toners & inks) Wholesale and we specialize in wholesale distribution of printers, ink, toner, computer and fax machine consumables. I have a trade show to attend in one month and I need to get my banners made up with our slogan on them. Any ideas would be so greatly appreciated!

年代ome of the things I was thinking was...

"We know the business and we want to help you grow yours"
"STI - Finally someone who will fight for the little guy"

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  • Posted on Member
    I agree with Phil that if you're going to go the route of using initials, that your positioning line needs to accurately reflect what your business does. Unless you have very deep marketing and advertising pockets, you don't have the resources or the time to educate your audience about what your company, what you do and how you do it - that's where your positioning line can really help.

    Is there any other niche information that you can use? Do you recycle the cartridges by re-inking them or participate in other 'green' programs? What differentiates you from the other wholesalers in the market? Are you better? Faster? Greener? Once you identify the things that separate you from the pack, it will be easier for you to craft the positioning line.
  • Posted on Author
    We do except used cartridges to help the customer with disposing of them. But I am not drawing on that aspect just yet. I wanted to create the slogan first. Then I was going to send out newsletters to all of our clients to let them know those areas of social responsibility.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    年代TI - Putting Ink to Paper - the modern way

    年代TI - let us fill up your printer
  • Posted on Author
    Here is another idea.

    年代torage Media, Toners & Inks- your one stop shop for all your printing needs


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