
Topic: Website Critique

Blog Traffic Question

Posted byfranproon 250 Points
I have had my main blog, The Franchise King Blog up for 2 years. I add content at least 2-3 times a week, have some good incoming links, and am rated quite high in google organic search. My question is this:

Why won't my blog traffic reach the next level? I am stuck at about 175-225 unique visitors a day, and I really want to be at 1,000.

Is their anything missing on my blog, or in my writing, or in my design?
Thanx for the look!
Joel Libava
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    The question I have is for what key words do you rank high? Franchise Information you don't rank in the top 100 on Google, Yahoo, or MSN. For franchise help, you rank 53 in Google and Yahoo and 37 on MSN. For franchise opportunities, you don't rank in the top 100 on Google, Yahoo, or MSN. For franchises, you rank 89 in Google and not in the top 100 for the other two. For franchise, you rank 92 in not in the top 100 in the other two. These keywords represent the top 5 of 6 (subway franchise is the other one). You rank high for franchise trends - Google 20, Yahoo 10, MSN 53. However, looking at the number of searches for this, there was 320 in October. So when you say you rank quite high in Google - what do you mean?

    点击率,你需要排名高我n keywords have a lot of traffic and also the headline and summary that shows up on Google (Yahoo, MSN, etc) has to be of interest to entice someone to click on the link.

    From this cursory look, I'd propose you are not getting traffic because you are not ranked high in keywords that are most common.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted byNeilon Accepted
    Do you use Google Analytics?

    I would suggest that you review the data often and find out which of your posts get the most traffic and try to do posts that seem to have that appeal more often.

    Of course, do not limit yourself to just those as you do not want to be a one note Charlie but knowing what works can help.

    Also, do you use an email newsletter? That might be a good adjunct to your blog to get your ideas out there to subscribers who are interested and can drive more traffic to your blog...
  • Posted byfranproon Author
    Thank you so much...I do look at the other metrics.RSS subs etc. Those are still on the low side, also. I have now included a free "report" as part of signing up.

    Thank you! I didn't really think how I ranked with some of the keywords you mentioned. "Franchise Blogs" is where I am ranked #2 or # on Google.

    I use Google Analytics, and do have an opt-in newsletter. Thank you, also.
    Joel Libava
  • Posted bywnelsonon Member

    Franchise blogs was searched 320 times on Google last month, 390 average. Not much traffic to pull from. Try optimizing for more common words. Use the Google Adwords tool to find those.

  • Posted byfranproon Author
    I agree, and thanx for making me think a little harder!
  • Posted byexcelliraon Accepted
    What social media sites are you pinging when you post?

    Wayde is correct in regards to keywords. There is blogging and there is strategic blogging. Keyword research will provide you with a roadmap for content generation.

    Knowing what keyword phrases your audience isactuallyinterested in and creating content around them will provide the greatest opportunity to expose your blog to your target audience. Otherwise you're creating contentyou'reinterested in for an audience which may or may not exist. The research takes the guesswork out of the process.

    This does not mean that every post must be keyword phrase oriented. The pages optimized for a keyword phrase will help to pull in traffic. The remaining pages will help to maintain interest - though you can accomplish this with both types). Mix it up.

    Also, from one perspective you're receiving a bump by utilizing a subdomain blog on Typepad but you are building search equity in a site which can't be moved. If the blog is a serious endeavor you'd be best off, long-term, to build your own blog utilizing your own domain name.


  • Posted byexcelliraon Member
    You should also connect with other bloggers and industry related sites in order to exchange information, links, and even guest blog.

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