
Topic: Strategy

Detailing To Doctors

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have a range of Infant cereals, and Immunity builders for would be mothers and lactating mothers .
We are targeting pediatricians and Gynaecologists , our products are all OTC and are reasonably well known .
BAsed on expreience what are the areas you would care to enumerate as should be core steps in this cycle of detailing
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  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Member
    Dear Sudarshan

    for Immunity Builder products, highlight the following to the doctors.

    - those women who had a regular/ceasarian delivery suffer from immuno-deficiency after child-birth. to fill in that deficiency the products help.
    - In this case also detail the products ingredients to the doctors, about how the ingredients work to increase immunity.

    the same applies for detailing Infant cereals. but i agree with Arshad that this is high-brand-loyal segment. Unless the doctors prescribe, the mothers will not switch from their current brand to your brand. For this infant cereals
    - If the product variants of your brand are different than existing ones then the doctors are to be detailed on that variant. This variant movement (from shelf and consumer feedback) will encourage the doctors to prescribe the other common variants.

    希望这个有帮助。我不是医药专家马克eting, sorry for any mistake


  • Posted on Member
    if we have a range of products of cereals and immunity builder then first of all before going to a doctor's chamber you should have chemist audit have the doctor's prescription habits i.e. which ingredients does the doctor prefer and which form does he/she prefer like syrups, granules, powder or tabs.
    Only then target your doctor according the information you have collected from the chemist.
    Entering the doctor chamber you should find the need of the doctor asking probing question like for a paedtrician "Sir paedtriatic patients are very prone to infections because of low immunity" am I right sir? Then procced and detail your targetted product as per the chemist audit and tell the benefits offered by your products because doctor doesn't purchase products but the benefits derived from it.
    Then close your call and ask for the prescriptions.Like "sir, my product offers these benefits in your low immunity babies which not only increase the immunity but also reduces the chances of recurrent infection. so considering the benefits offered by this product Can I look forward at least a prescription a day for this product in low immune babies?

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