
Topic: Student Questions

What Is Wrong With These Website?

Posted bysophia_lo702on 500 Points
Dear Professionals,

I'm facing a question to find out what is wrong with these two websites?

What do you like/dislike about these two websites and how could you change it? As a marketing students, I have very little knowledge towards media and website design.

The problems I found could be too much text. Bad usage of navigation bar.

Could you help me to find out other things which you think is not appropriate on these two website?

Thank you

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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    Both seem just ok to me. very formated... my guess is they were created with a template which is ok if the website is created to build reputation rather than to sell.

  • Posted bysophia_lo702on Author
    谢谢你的回复。我刚刚搜索了一些网ites selling similar kind of products. I'm wondering the way to improve both website might be to learn from


    To create a photo that represent the company brand image and set all the navigation bars on top. Therefore, there is less confusion and it's much easier to read.

    I'm still looking for more ideas.

    Thank you for your reply.

  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    The we design was Ok, but I didn't like the URLs used. Neither is that great at saying what the web site does, yet they are using names which have meanings (as opposed to URL names which are meaningless - like how the name doesn't say anything about buying books)
  • Posted on Accepted
    My first impression on visiting SpoilMeNow is that it's an informational site that will help me look and feel better. However, clicking through to the categories it becomes evident that's not the case.

    While I don't disagree with the viability of an affiliate business model, for this work they have to provide more educational content on how people can stay fit/look better. Do this without forcing the affiliated companies at the customers but subtle point out it'd be easier to reach their goal if they bought something from these sites. Otherwise its just a fancy looking link farm that provide no real value.

    For a great example of a site earning affiliate income, visit Tons of useful content and the owner probably earns a decent income by getting people to buy those resistance bands. **Notice how this site has a narrow focus? Might be something to consider with spoilmenow.**

    Oh, and since there's a lack of useful content the value of signing up for the newsletter is suspect. Perhaps the site could show a previous newsletter so I know what I'm signing up for.

    Plus, there's way too many fields. Unless you absolutely need more information, ask for a first name and email address, you can always collect more information later.


    Jesse Kanclerz
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    There's nothing wrong with the websites.

    They both are created using the same software/developer. There are many suggestions we could make to improve the copy, layout, etc. but without knowing exactly who the sites are targeting, the problems the companies are seeing (by looking at their analytics), and the conversion rate (from visitors -> sales) we'll only be guessing at ways to improve the sites without a concrete information.
  • Posted bysophia_lo702on Author
    Thank all of the profs who have replied to this question. I believe these information would help a lot with my study. I want to thank Prof. Jesse Kanclerz and the value advice. This question could be closed now. Thank you.

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