
Topic: Branding

Using Company Stationery To Promote The Global Brand

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello ,
Recently my company, a global company which supplies solutions for the utility industry launched a new logo. The company has eveolved over the past few years and the new logo reflects this. With this logo we designed new letterhead and business card layouts etc which I feel should be used company wide to give a consistent corporate identity.

My only problem is that one of the markets is against this and wishes to use the style from the old versions . I feel that this is not in keeping with our updated identity. How do I convince them of the necessity to take on the new look. It is myopiniopn as a marketing professional that each regional manager should have the same calibre of business card as when they are present at tradeshows together it makes us lookstronger. Any ideas?

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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    You are right on track!

    I run a global company as well (actually, I run 2) and global brand congruency is absolutely pertinent!

    Thinkmor has some good perspectives as to whether or not this person had a say so or a "vote" in the decision to change logos. However, the fact remains, you MUST maintain continuity and this person must comply.

    Do not give in, continue to reinforce your decision. Try using analogies like McDonald's, Sony, FedEx, etc. to explain the importance of a consistant global image.

    最后一步是转储(或thraeten)。它may sound harsh, but not nearly as harsh as the potential damage they are causing to your brand. Either they support it or they don't. Stand your ground. You have the rest of the world (as far as your business goes) behind you.

    I hope this helps and good luck!

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