
Topic: Advertising/PR

Buying Infomercial Time

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have an infomercial for a wholesale housewares product that targets primarily women in a specific region. How do we decide what time slots to buy? For instance what is the most influential factor to success other than the quality of the infomercial (which does well in other areas). Does consistency matter or is it better - at least in the early phase - to try a variety of options and track success? Is it worth it to buy more expensive daytime slots to get better exposure? Cable vs network? When you purchase regular TV time, you get a lot of rating info which doesn't seem to be available for this kind of advertising. Thanks for the input!
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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    You need to discuss this with the individual networks. Every channel has different demographics for different times. These need to coinside with YOUR business and marketing plans.

    Match your demographics to the channels, days and times that will get the most exposure to your target demomgraphic. This is the only way to decide.

    If your targets happen to watch more during the day...I advise you to spend the extra money to hit the time slots that will provide the most bang for your buck. It would be nice if your targets are night viewers because it is dirt cheap, but if they are not, and you go the night route anyway in order to "save" money, you would be better off simply donating the money to charity.

    My whole point is don't try to trick yourself into beating the stats the stations give you in order to save money. You will lose in the long run. It's kinda like "knowing" your spouse is cheating on you but you keep making the improbale possible because you don't want to believe it (i.e. you find a woman's phone # in his wallet, cell phone records, comes home late smelling like perfume, mysterious women call then hang up, disappaers for the weekend without telling you, etc...yet you keep telling yourself that perhaps he got in a small accident and had to get a number, while he was on his way back from trying to buy you perfume (out of town) but accidentally spilled it on himself, and the people who keep calling must have the wrong number and happen to know someone else who shares your husband's name.......It's possible, right? ).

    You can easily trick yourself into spending less money for the wrong time slots by creating possible scenarios...with the probabilities of next to nil.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Member
    Excellent! Please let us know how it turns out.

    Thank you for the reward. I appreciate it!

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